Nikita Draguns past

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Nikita: yes I was born a dude fans: so you have a ding dong Nikita: yes do you have a problem with that fans: no I was just asking Nikita:well I have to go fans:byeeeee Nikita: bye. Two hours later Nikita: hey  tony: hey  Nikita: wyd tony: nothing hbu Nikita: watching tv tony: cool talk later going to take a nap Nikita: ok later tony:later. 1hour later hey Nikita: hey do you wanna hang out later tony:sure why not Nikita: its a date tony: wait what I thought we were just hanging out Nikita: we are.                

By Nakita Lopez aka izanie quintero

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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