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A/N: Before signing off watty

Piiiiiiipp!!.. pipppppp!!!

Wei Zhan is becoming very impatient as he always looks at his wristwatch while constantly blowing his car's horn.

"Damn! Why is it when we are in a hurry everything has come to be so slow?" He frustratingly mumbles.

Wei Zhan has a very important appointment with Mrs. Lan. The middle-aged woman called to purchase the penthouse of one of Zhan's company is selling. They will ink a contract today and will collect the cheque for her payment.

These past months, Zhan had a few units sold and today he was very happy that he finally got his first income of the month and above all it is the most expensive unit of the building.

That's why he should not be late or else it will be a huge embarrassment!

When the traffic light turned green, he stepped on the accelerator and turned left quickly to enter a private subdivision for a shortcut road. Thankfully he had purchased a gate pass to allow him from entering.

He looks at his wristwatch again, "15 minutes, I still have 15 minutes". He drives about 80km/h in a private subdivision and is aware that he's fast but what can he do? He's in a rush. He saw a car's front bumper appearing from a blind spot on his left side but Wei Zhan cannot afford to slow down and so he stepped the accelerator more. He smirks to the idea as it flashes on his mind that he's one of the actors of Fast and Furious movie- who were we all knew are indeed fast & furious drivers, but that smirk immediately turned into worry when he heard a loud bang!

He immediately stepped on the brake pedal that created a loud screech of his car's tires. His heart pounded that he can literally hear its beat and his face flushed like it was soaked with white vinegar as he looked himself in the rear mirror- he fucking looked so pale!

He unbuckles the seat belt and goes out. The other man did as well.

"You! Stupid moron! Are you insane? If you're planning for suicide, do it yourself! do not hassle anyone! Ahh! You're so stupid! look at what you've done to my car!" The man screamed angrily.

"L-look, I'm v-very sorry Mr." Wei Zhan says as if he was drunk. He can't able to compose words properly because his heart as if anytime would stop functioning because it had been beating irregularly that he can't almost breathe.

"Sorry?" the man laughed bitterly. "I said look at what you've done to my car, you idiot!. Half of my front bumper was damaged and you'll just say I'm sorry? For your kind information, Mr. This car that you just destroyed is brand new and is the latest model! And It just delivered to me yesterday!. You should pay for its repair!".

"Ahh fuck my life!" Wei Zhan internally groaned hearing the information but annoyed at the same time as the man was constantly telling him hurtful and insulting words.

"Don't shout at me, you ugly fool earthling! I am not deaf!" he hissed. "It takes two to tango, so do not fucking blame me for what happened to your car! Also, my car is damaged, would you also like to take a look at what your car has done to my bumper?!"

He paused and deep inhales "You bumped into my car so you should be the one paying me!"

The furious man laughs at him mockingly "You really is an idiot! You are impossible! How did you get your driver's license huh?! And you were the one who was driving like you're racing and bumped my car and now you're saying I was the one who bumped you?. Wow just wow! It seems we need 'police assistance' to settle this 'problem' of yours.

Wei Zhan upon hearing the word police immediately was alarmed.

"That would take a lot of time and he cannot delay this anymore, Mrs. Lan is waiting for him," he thought.

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