𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚘𝚗𝚎

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Jeno once again found himself trailing down the halls towards the gym, his sports gear in a bag over his shoulder and eyes downcast. Various students brushed past him, knocking against his shoulder without apologising. Hell, they probably weren't even aware he was there.

A small sigh erupted from his throat as he glanced up ahead of him. He turned down the next corridor towards the changing room, spotting someone he wasn't sure he wanted to see.

"Aaaaaw, Junnie, don't be so sour," Donghyuck teased before him, draped over the small Chinese boy and earning all sorts of profanities from him.

"Who's sour? I'm not sour, just irritated!" Renjun hissed, shoving the brunette off swiftly and regaining his balance.

Jeno gripped the strap of his bag more tightly, swallowing harshly before attempting to bypass the loud pair. He was pretty damn surprised to see Huang Renjun hanging out with Lee Donghyuck, since he knew both with different contexts.

Donghyuck giggled mischievously as he annoyingly pinched his victim's cheeks. Then, catching sight of a figure shuffling past to reach the wooden door behind them, he furrowed his brows.

Jeno, he thought, releasing Renjun and almost missing the huge 'fuck you' he elicited. Both boys watched the retreating ravenette as he disappeared into he changing rooms, leaving both with the same thought.


Had Jeno even realised he was holding the hearts of two males, perhaps his confidence would have been more apparent. Maybe, he would've been able to tell Na Jaemin how he had started to feel.

But he didn't know, and Donghyuck wasn't ready to stir feelings into their dodgy relationship, nor did Renjun have the guts to admit to his emotions.

"Staring is creepy," someone chuckled from the staircase, carrying a few books while walking alongside a stranger. "Whoever just entered must've been a model."

"Ugh, shut up Jaemin," Renjun snipped, flipping him off as the bluette passed. Donghyuck just eyed him wearily, not acquainted with the teen properly. The random kid Jaemin was with remained quiet as they turned the corner and vanished as well.

"God, I'm surrounded by dickheads," the oldest sighed, wandering towards the door as well and reluctantly holding it open for the younger. "Get in before I slam your fingers in the frame."

Donghyuck poked his tongue out at him before entering, ruffling his hair for a final reaction and moving further into the white tiled room to find his friends. Renjun sighed irritatedly, tiredly waltzing towards an unoccupied space before tossing his bag down.

The other boys chattered away, drowning out other noises made from beyond the door. The brunette could hardly hear himself think as he extracted various items of clothing from his unzipped backpack.

Yet again, someone shuffled to stand beside him. It was the exact same presence as the last time this had happened, and Renjun nervously gulped as his eyes flitted up.

Jeno's hair was covering his eyes, probably on purpose. He was slower to move today, like a tired worker in need of rest. The older shot his eyes back down to his hands, picking up his tracksuit shirt and laying it down in order to pull his uniform off.

His heart practically combusted when the cover of his journal appeared beneath his sports jumper, his name written in his special font scrawled across it.

Oh god, I put it in the wrong bag, didn't I? Renjun cursed himself under his breath, choosing to act as though his feelings and secrets weren't in a vulnerable place where people could find them. As long as he pretended things were fine, nobody would notice otherwise.

Jeno subtly pulled his white blouse off, letting it slide off his shoulders and expose his beautiful clear skin. He tried to keep his mind occupied by envisioning the various things he would do when he got home, or what homework he had to complete.

Those thoughts didn't prevent him from noticing the notebook that was sliding out of the boy's bag. The guy who's face he wasn't prepared to look at.

Shit, it's going to clatter and draw attention, Jeno grimaced, quickly diving past his changing room neighbour who was in the middle of pulling his top on, and grabbing the hardback before it hit the ground.

His chest throbbed from the rush, and he retracted his arm with a deep sigh. Accidentally, without any malicious intention, he read the name on the dotted line. The writing was beautiful, unique, and oh so familiar.

No.....he frowned, reading over it again and again, this handwriting matches the letters I get.....doesn't it? Huang....Renjun?...........NO!

He gasped, the book getting ripped from his grasp and clutched tightly into the owner's chest. The owner being none other than the boy who had stolen the heart of the guy he liked.

"D-Did you see anything?" Renjun squeaked, cheeks bright pink and gaze on his bag.

Jeno couldn't quite swallow the lump that had formed in his throat. The horrible dry sensation he had never felt before. His fingers nervously tugged at his trouser's waistband, his brain malfunctioning at the question.

No, I haven't read anything. But now I know who H.R is, and that's a problem, he wanted to respond, though refrained and rasped out a quiet; "N-No.....only your name...."

Renjun released a relieved breath, shoulders slumping at the feeling and head nodding along gently. "Good. This isn't.....This isn't something people should see."

This person is the one who's been writing letters to me? Seriously? So Jaemin is in love with someone who will never the feel the same? And Renjun loves me? How utterly crazy......

Things had become one hot mess now that one of the trio had been enlightened on the triangle and situation.

The real question was; what would he do about it? Was Jeno really the right person to act on this knowledge?

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I have one word for you guys, and it's:


Hope you're enjoying this, it's honestly so fun to write ;3

Love ya,

𝗮 𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂; norenmin Where stories live. Discover now