Chapter 1

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School was usually the worst thing. However there was one thing, one person, that always brightened up your day. Aaron Carpenter. You had a few classes with him. You usually sat at opposite sides of the class, opposite sides of the lunch hall. Only occasionally saying hello.

Today was different, very different. He had swapped seats with Fraser, the boy who sat next to you. You would never admit this but him moving beside you made you happy. Class soon began.

You were doodling in your notepad because you never paid attention in biology, you hated it. "Erin" you hear someone whisper. "Erin" they whispered again. You looked around, it was Aaron who had whispered. "Hey" you whispered back. He passed you a note. It said:

Hey, sorry we've never really spoken before. I'd really like to get to know you, you should text me sometime.
My numer is 73638163800.
~from Aaron :)

You smiled. The bell then rang, it was the end of the day.

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