I had been determined to tear this place apart with my bare hands ,including his porcelain whores whom he had by his side! Did he not think for a moment I would not ever find him? I was confused who was this man? Screaming at the top of my lungs seemed to not phase them at all" but I could hear the rest of the people scattering out of the pub ,I loved you!!!! You BASTARD!!! WHY? I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!How could you have done this to me ? I love you so so much ,you pushed me aside not caring at all ! You've killed my soul! Was I not good enough for you? TELL ME INSTEAD OF LOOKING AT ME WITH EMPTINESS! Pounding my fists again on the table, not a slight move just nothing as if he was without feelings of any kind"
" I am incapable of love" I saw you and I knew I had yo have you at that moment, my infatuation with you had been most intense, the need for you, to taste you ,your essence filled my curiosity, you are like no other ' I've never been with anyone as remarkable as you ,I don't know what it is and why was I drawn to you like I was ' Destiny maybe? I'm not quite sure " the dream's you we're having had been real ' you also haunted mine ,something that I've never experienced in all my life ,so I was determined to find you and I did ,now I'am done ,so please stop throwing your little tantrums and leave this place ,clearly it isn't for you ' too well refined if you will "
You....you ..... BASTARD!!! YOUR LIEING I CAN SEE IT IN YOUR FACE! I CAN FEEL IT! YOU DO LOVE ME ! BUT THAT DOESN'T MATTER ANYMORE YOU'VE LOST ME COMPLETELY " I couldn't bare it anymore I felt so alone again,even though we shared one beautiful night together I knew it wasn't a DAMN LIE" clearly KILLIAN you are saying thing's that you do not mean " for whatever reason or reasons I will and shall find out ,I did care why he didn't want me anymore, my heart hurt so much, I had to leave even if it meant leaving without answers, not looking back at the monstrosity that I had walked in on' he had been my future now he is my past.
I had came to the conclusion that holding on to someone that I loved so much in such little time tortured my soul i felt the life of him leave my heart,hurting all over I wanted to just die nothing mattered anymore' I didn't want to be here in this place anymore or even in the same room with him ' my life of ever being happy was very disappointing ,this had been it i knew i just knew it' pounding my fists where he had sat on the table one last time to make myself clear to him that i was really angry!
"Meant for me"
VampireIreland 1529, My life felt like it was over until I met him ' he saved me from myself'