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Farah sighed for what felt like the millionth time that night. she was home alone with the exception of Petunia, her french bulldog, and was bored out of her mind. usually she would be completely engrossed in watching her favorite show, criminal minds, but tonight was different.

she couldn't seem to concentrate for more than a minute on the show and would get distracted rather easily. eventually she decided that it would be best to turn it off, and so she did.

she then got up to make herself some tea, something that she found herself doing more often at nighttime.

she was filling a pot up with water when the front door slammed shut. Farah practically jumped out of her skin, a quiet yelp passing through her lips.

"jesus christ— Drew, what the hell?!" she spun around to see the tall boy stalking through the kitchen. he brushed past her and stopped at the fridge, yanking the door open and pulling a water from the shelf. he shut the door and left without saying a word to the girl.

Farah sighed, figuring that his date with Amanda didn't go well. he repeated what he did with the front door when he entered his bedroom, causing Farah to  jump yet again. she frowned before turning one of the burners on and putting the pot on to boil.

Farah looked down to Petunia who was sitting by her feet, looking up with watery eyes. she shook her head at the dog before returning her attention to the water that was still heating up. while she waited, she got her cup down from the cupboard and placed a teabag on the side.

once the water was heated up to her preference, she poured it into her cup and left the teabag to steep. once it was ready, she took it back to the couch and sat down, being extra careful to not spill her tea. instead of resuming her show, Farah decided that she would spend her time watching tiktoks.

the girl spent almost an hour watching tiktoks. she was so engrossed in one of her videos that she didn't even notice that Drew had sulked out of his bedroom until he sat down on the couch beside her.

"hey bub. you okay?" Farah looked up and locked her phone, placing it face down on her lap. she took in his posture; he was slumped against the couch, his shoulders hunched forward. he shrugged his shoulders, a subtle frown still present on his face.

"yeah i guess so" he muttered, earning a frown from the girl.

"do you wanna talk about it?" Farah questioned hesitantly. Drew remained silent for a few moments before shaking his head.

"not really. it just-" he cut himself off, and shook his head again in dismay. "it wasn't a good night for me is all."

"oh. i'm sorry." she said quietly, turning her body so that she was facing him. Drew furrowed his eyebrows in response.

"what're you sorry for?"

Farah sheepishly shrugged her shoulders, regret washing over her for a brief moment.

"i'm sorry that you had a bad night." she said quietly. Drew waved her off as if to say don't worry about it.

"i've had worse dates with her, honestly. it's nothing new." a silence came over the pair, the only sound coming from the ceiling fan that hummed quietly as it turned.

after a few minutes of silence, Farah spoke up. "do you wanna, i dunno, go out and do something? i'm bored."

Drew hesitated for a moment before agreeing to go. Farah was the first to stand up, walking her now empty mug to the sink.

Drew had gotten up and disappeared into his room, most likely to grab a coat and his shoes that he had forgotten about once he got inside. Farah did the same thing— going off to her room to grab a hoodie and sneakers. she walked back out into the living room and sought out Petunia who was still in the same place as she was earlier. Farah bent down and began to scratch the dog's head.

𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐲'𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭 | drew starkeyWhere stories live. Discover now