Why Me?

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Hiroshi sighed as he got off his bus and onto the sidewalk. He watched the bus drive away to drop off the other kids at their bus stops but right and there, someone threw a carton of milk and a hard text book at him. The milk hit his face, soaking him and the text book hit his gut. The bullied and outcasted teen fell onto the ground with a groan and got up like nothing happened despite the pain occuring all around his body from that dreadful day at school. He walked it off with a slight limp and just climbed up the stairs up to his front door.
Hence there, he realized someone stole his key to the house at school.

With a frustrated sigh, Hiroshi knocked on the door, hoping someone was home to open it.
In fact he highly doubted it. While he was in high school, his younger brother and sister won't come home for another hour. His older sister had an after school job, so she won't be coming home until 8:00.
To his surprise though, the door knob turned and opened, revealung his younger sister, Haruto.
"Onii-San! You're home!" Haruto cheered and hugged her older brother. Hiroshi put on a smile and hugged her back.
"Yes, yes, I'm home Haruto." He says getting up and closing the door. Haruto grinned brightly but then frowned upon seeing the many bruises on her brothers beaten up body.
"What happened Onii-San? Why are there purple marks around your face?" Haruto asked sadly. Hiroshi sighed and rubbed his sisters ginger colored hair. "I-It's just something that's happening in school. Do not worry about it." Hiroshi says softly.
"Hmm." Haruto squeaked and hugged him.

The incident
Hiroshi swung his backpack over his shoulder and walked over to his P.E class.
He hated P.E class. He wasn't that much of a sports person and would prefer reading under a tree during this period. Although, that would result in him getting an F for the class.
He walked into the boys locker room as the usual mixed smell of musk and axe spray arosed the air. It wasn't a pleasant smell but he was used to it. It was noisy as usual with the boys shouting, shoving each other and hitting each other with wet towels.
He grabbed his gym clothes and started changing into it. He was really uncomfortable with his body so he had put all this on quickly so at least nobody would have enough time to observe it. That's when someone shoved him. HARD.
He crashed into some of the lockers, making a loud clanking sound that grabbed most of the boys attention. Hiroshi groaned as he rubbed the part of his head where it hit the hardest.
The locker room was silent which made Hiroshi realize the spotlight was on him.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Hiroshit." One of the boys named Takeshi says walking up to him. Hiroshi gulped at the sound of Takeshi's deep voice. "T-Takeshi, please leave me alone. I already had a bad day today." Hiroshi half whispered.
"Pfft, fine then." Takeshi says, grabbing Hiroshi's backpack and dumping the contents on him. Takeshi just walked back from where he came from as the boys locker rooms became loud again. Mostly talking about the scene that just happened.
Hiroshi just picked up the contents of his backpack and shoved them back in.
The P.E coach finally arrived and the boys left.
After P.E, all the boys were more musky than before, creating a unbelievable stench.
Hiroshi sighed again as a headache was starting to come through. He was way out in the fields away from the locker rooms. Girls entered the girls locker rooms and boys entered the boys locker rooms. Hiroshi walked over to the boy locker rooms about 5 minutes later, just when the bell for their next period rang. The boys and girls spilled out of their locker rooms in search for their next class, leaving Hiroshi by himself in the locker room.
Or so he thought.

He walked inside the musky room to his locker and opened it. Luckily, he thought no one was here, so he put on his clothes, but he had to be fast since the first bell already rang.
He pulled off his gym shirt and put on his orange T-Shirt and then he pulled off his pants and struggled a bit to put on his Navy blue jeans. That's when he heard a locker slam, startling him and making Hiroshi slip and fall. He face planted the ground, already starting to suffer a nose bleed.
"Hey Hiroshit!" Takeshi yelled, walking towards him. Hiroshi whimpered and put on a scared face as he tried to crawl away for the door. Takeshi saw this and kicked his ribs, then stepped on his back, preventing him from crawling away.
"You pathetic piece of shit. Fight me like a man Hiroshi. Oh wait, you aren't a man. You just a stupid kid." Takeshi says as Hiroshi stood silent. His whimpers were barely audible. This made Takeshi grumble something and pressed his foot harder on Hiroshi's back. "SAY SOMETHING YOU WORTHLESS TRASH!" He raised his voice.
"Pl-Please stop hurting me! What did I do to deserve this treatment?" Hiroshi asked, nearly in tears. "You wanna know what you did? Existing. Nobody likes you, you awkward mistake. Even your ginger haired sister don't like you. She's only giving you pity for being so weak and defenseless."
"No! That's not true!" Hiroshi says raising his voice also.
Takeshi decided the back pain wasn't doing anything to him and then stepped on his hand and pressed down on it hard.
Hiroshi screamed in pain as Takeshi grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pushed him against the wall.
Hiroshi smacked his head against the wall and groaned. Takeshi grabbed hold of his curl and pulled on it as hard as he could.
The bullied teen screamed loudly.
"STOP SCREAMING!" Takeshi yelled, kicking him in the gut again. Hiroshi threw up some blood at being kicked again. Takeshi dragged him over in the bathrooms and dunked Hiroshi's head in the toilet. Watching the poor innocent kid flap his arms and legs around to get the bigger boy to stop made Takeshi laugh and dragged him out of the bathroom. By now, the two were late to class but Takeshi didn't care.
"Pl-Please stop. G-Get off of me Takeshit." Hiroshi says, pushing him away. Takeshi got mad at this. "Bow down to your god, peasent." Takeshi says, stepping on Hiroshi's back once again, making him look like in a bowing position. Takeshi chuckled and kicked Hiroshi's chest again, making Hiroshi vomit up more blood.
"What else can I use to hurt you?" Takeshi says in a teasing tone. Hiroshi tripped Takeshi as an attempt to escape but then gets kicked in the face by Takeshi. Hiroshi once again yelled out in pain as Takeshi grabbed the collar of his shirt and threw him across the room, making him slam into the wall. "You bitch. You dare rebel against your god?" Takeshi asked, kicking his face, body, basically everywhere. Hiroshi screamed for help but was met by Takeshi choking him for a little while. To the point where Hiroshi started turn into a blueish purple from lack of air. "If I get in trouble, tomorrow will be you punishment for making me be in trouble." Takeshi whispered, punching Hiroshi.
Takeshi started whacking Hiroshi with his text book before finally, Hiroshi passed out onto the cold hard floor.
Takeshi noticed him pass out but didn't care and just continued beating him up until the next class came for their time at P.E, leaving Hiroshi to slowly suffer on the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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