ShinKami - Hugs and movies

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Nobody's POV

As soft light filtered in through the open curtain Shinso quietly stepped into the house, his and Kaminari's cats greeting him at the door "hello mittens, hello ginger". Toeing off his shoes and making his way to the lounge, he piled up a bundle of blankets and pillows on a mattress in front of the TV, making somewhat of a nest. He then walked into the kitchen to feed the cats and make dinner before Kaminari got home. 

-About half an hour later-

Kaminari's POV

"Oi, Dunce face, your phone is ringing" Bakubro handed me my phone with an indignant 'Tch'. I thanked him and answered my phone, walking away from the bakusquad just far enough to hear over them teasing blasty. "hello?" "hey babe" ah, its Shinso "what time do you think you'll be home?" "not sure, do you want me come home now?" "yes please, I have little surprise for you" "alright I'll be there soon" "ok, see you then" and with that he hung up. I walked back over to the squad pocketing my phone "sorry guys, but I gotta go" "whyyyyy, we were having so much fun though!" Mina whined "yeah dude, why are you leaving?" Sero questioned "Hitoshi just called and he wants me to come home" "well in that case" Mina started to shoo me away "go on" "uh ok? bye guys" I wave over my head as Mina sent a final push "have fun" she giggled and ran back to the group. 

-when Kaminari had arrived at home-

I quietly opened the door taking off my shoes and walking inside, to see Hitoshi sitting on the kitchen bench with a cup of coffee. He looks up from his coffee "oh, look who finally decided to show up" he teased. "Ha ha, very funny." I paused, "why did you call me home?" I questioned. "Oh, follow me I'll show you" "I swear to god if you stole another cat Toshi-" I look to Hitoshi and see him pointing over his shoulder at a huge blanket fort. "Toshi made a blanket fort? Wow. Thats new" I laugh "alright smart allec" he playfully rolls his eyes. Hitoshi crawls into the fort and motions for me to follow. Inside the fort was decked out with LED lights and the tv was on Netflix. Hitoshi sits in a beanbag pulling me down with him setting me in his lap.

Shinso's POV

I look down at denki in my arms, why does he have to be so damn cute!? I grab the tv remote and start scrolling through movies. "Oooh! Can we watch Moana?" "I was going to put on the conjuring" he shakes his head vigorously "it sounds scary-" "thats because it is scary" he looks me in the eye "I am the easiest person to scare eveeeeeeerrrrrr" I laugh "I know" "then why a scary movie?" "Because I enjoy teasing you" he pokes his tounge out at me "alriiight we can watch Moana". I click Moana and the movie starts to play. 

🎶I see the line where the sky meets the sea,  I calls me, But noone knows how far it ges🎶 

I can hear denki quietly humming along with all of the songs in the movie, he looks quite content. 

🎶what can I say exept you're welcome🎶

I think hes fallen asleep, that was quite fast. I kiss him on the forehead and wrap him in a blanket. Turning off the movie I spoon denki untill sleep took over.



Here they're still at UA but they're old enough to have a home, and so this can make sense, the students have a holiday break rn and sorry about all the time skips, but I'm pretty sure you don't want to read about an uneventful walk home or sitting on a kitchen bench drinking coffee.

If you have any non-smut related ideas/suggestions please tell me in the comments.

Hopefully I wont forget this exists and update it once in a while, anyways thank you lovelies for reading <3

- Author-Chan ^^

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