CHAPTER 1 I- iii am 22.m( thats what i tell everyone.) my name is Quinn. I don't tell much people this but you are special. I know it for a fact. I'm something you humans call a vampire. But in our world we call ourself vamp. It's an ancient word. It means blood sucker. I live somewhere but it's classified to you human. Just to tell you, I live close. Very close. I have 1 brother and 1 sister. They aren't both vans like me. I'm the oldest and my parents died when I was 4. At least that's what the note that they wrote me. I never told them but somehow they new. They newi was a vamp like them. How I found out they were vamps well that's a whole nother chapter
CHAPTER 2. One day I was flying.
How? I can turn into a bat and fly.
Deaths calls
VampireQuinn a 22 year old so she says, has a little secret about her. She never tells anyone unless she knows There are special like her. Read the book and find out. Are you spec