chapter 10:Snow day

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Huey p.o.v
I was in my room reading a book.Dewey was with Lunchpad getting advice from him.Louie was with Mom talking about the date that Webby and Dewey has that he ruin.i put my book down for i can go open my window.when i open window wind come in and it felt very cold so i look outside,i saw a lot of snow.i knew today was going to be a snow day so i got change.after that i went to knock on Webby door.she said"who is it?"i said"its me Huey."she open the door.she said"hey Huey."i said"hey Webby do you want to go outside to play in the snow."she said"of course."she got change.then we went to living where Louie and Mom was.befor we enter the room i hear Mom voice said this"you should ask Webby who she love before this get out of hand."Louie said"Huey kind said the same thing."she said"he did?"he said"yeah he said if this get out of hand he will go tell Webby for she can choose."he said"are you going to ground Dewey and Huey,are you going to tell Angle's parents?"she said"no because i did not see it anyway i got go."she kiss Louie on the head than left.we enter the room.i said"Louie it snowing you want to go outside?"he said"sure"next we went to the backyard's warehouse to ask Dewey.we saw Dewey and Launchpad cleaning the Cloudslayer while talking to each other.i said"hey Dewey do you want to play in the snow?"he said"yes."i said"should i call Angle?" Everyone said"yes."Angle said"hello who is this?"i said"its me Huey."she said"hey Huey."i said"hey Angle do you want to play in the snow with us?"she said"i would love to but me and my family are going to the mountain for two weeks so i can't basis every winter we go to the mountain its a family tradition that I can't escape sorry."i said"its ok i get bye."she said before hang up"bye."Dewey said"will she join us?"i said"she can't come she is up at mountain with her family."Webby said"i will call Violet and Lena."Violet said"who is this?"she said"Webby."she said"hi Webby."she said"hi Violet do you want to play in the snow with us?"she said"sorry both me Lena are helping my dads shoved the drive way it will probably take a long time."she said"ok bye."she said before hang up"bye."i said"so what they said?"she said"both Lena and Violet are busy."i said"its find we can play in snow without them so lets go."Dewey said"bye Lauchwe exit the warehouse.i said"so what should we do first?"Webby said"lets build a snowman."we build a snowman.Dewey said"hey since the pool is frozen how about we ice skating and play hockey."everyone said"yes."i was skating like crazy so was Dewey and Webby but they were doing duo trick.Louie was making a snow Angle because he kept falling on the ice.after that me and the were playing.Webby did not want to play hockey so she also made a snow angle.when we were about to sled Webby said"wait i don't have a sled."Dewey said"we can both get on my."Louie said"no ride with me."they started fighting.i said"Webby can ride with Dewey first than Louie."they fighting.we sled.Weddy sled with Dewey than Louie.i said"lets have a snow ball figth i want to be team captain anyone else want to be team captain?"Dewey said"i do."i said"pick your team mate."he said"i pick Webby."i said"Louie you are in my team we also need team names."he said"we will be Snow leopard."i said"our team is named Arctic fox now lets being making our basses and snowball."
A few minutes
Dewey p.o.v
When we were done i want and saw a ice castle.i said"Huey did you actually build a ice castle."he said"yes but this have a special item."i said"what is it."he said"a ice statue of Violet don't tell her that i build this."Louie said"it also have a ice statue of Webby."Huey and Louie said"you are going to lose."i said"can you please give me a few minutes to fix our base."he said"well you build a igloo that won't help you and i want this to be fair so yes."i said"thank you Huey you are the best brother."i enter the igloo.i said"Webby we need to fix this base."she said"i know Huey build a castle and our igloo won't help us win."i said"what should we build?"she said"a that will protect us."i said"lets build it.
A few more minutes
Dewey p.o.v
I said"Huey we are done."he said"you also a castle."i said"yeah."he said"Louie get up here i will be down stairs make snow balls now lets being."i said"hey Louie i think i saw a 50 dollars bill behind you."he turn around than i throw a snow ball at his back.i said"Huey your team mate is out."Louie left.when we saw Huey coming up we started throwing snow balls like crazy but he dodge all of them expect for one.he said in a sad tone"team Snow leopard win.Louie said"i am going inside its getting more cold."Huey said"agreed."we all went inside.
No p.o.v
Dewey was in the bathroom cleaning his face until Louie come in with his khopesh in his left hand and put it around Dewey's neck.Dewey has a face of fear he was speedless.Louie said"stay away from Webby or else i will kill you and your guitar."Dewey said"but i was going to give it to my kids in the future."Louie said"so what will you choose let you and your guitar die or stay away from Webby."before Dewey speak he gulp and said"find i will stay away from Webby."Louie removed the khopesh and said"good i won't want the blood of my brother on my hands."Dewey said"wait why are you doing this?"Louie said"for revenge."than he left.Huey saw Louie walking away from the bathroom with his khopesh in his hands.than Huey remember that Dewey was in the bathroom so he rush in to check if Dewey is ok.when Huey enter he saw Dewey panicking.Huey said"Dewey calm down what happen?"Dewey said"Louie threat to kill me and my Guitar unless i stay away from Webby."Huey said"you say find i will stay away from Webby which is why you are still alive."Dewey said"yes but before he left he say good i won't want the blood of my brother on hands than i say why are you doing this he said for revenge."Huey said"Louie would threat to kill things that are important to the people but never the person."Dewey said"actually there was something weird about Louie."Huey said"what was it?"Dewey said"i could see in the mirror that his left eye was red and his rigth eye was normal."Huey said"its Evil Louie his plan was to kill you and Louie plan was just to kill your guitar so Evil Louie decide to take over the left half of Louie's body to make sure he threat to kill you and Louie take over the right half of his body to make sure this plan does not get out of hand."Dewey said while panicking"can i hug you."Huey said"yes"when Huey give him a hug Dewey started crying.Dewey said"can we stay like this for while."Huey said"of course." Dewey said"are you going to tell anyone about this."Huey said"no because i don't want to involved anyone into this Evil Louie problem until we are ready."Dewey said"ok."

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