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"Like what?" I asked, a little nervous.

Annika shifted in her seat. "Well, for instance, we're not your average Russian family."

I nodded my head, understanding that there was no such thing as an average person; everyone had their own personal problems and secrets, but I wondered what these family secrets were.

"Okay..." I said slowly, wanting them to continue.

"See, I didn't just get my power and riches from owning multiple businesses; it took a lot more than that for me to become the successful man I am today," Czar said.

I still didn't understand what he was saying.

Lada rose from her seat and pulled the sleeve of her long-sleeve shirt up, revealing a tattoo. It was a crescent moon with some words written in Russian that I did not understand.

"Each and every one of us has the same tattoo on our arm, and soon, you will too. It represents power and the power that our family holds. You see, our father..." She said the word hesitantly before looking at Czar and continuing. "He was a ruthless man. He ruled his people in nothing but fear, and when he..." She stopped talking and cleared her throat. "His title was passed on to Czar."

"What title?" I asked, still not understanding what they were telling me.

"My father was the leader of the Russian Mafia," Czar said.

I turned to look at him with wide eyes. "Meaning-"

"That I am now the leader of the Russian Mafia." He said, finishing my sentence.

My heart skipped a few beats as I stared at Czar. I wanted to believe they were trying to prank me, but Czar doesn't seem like the type to joke around. He also did pull a gun out during my family dinner. That would explain his bodyguards, cold demeanor, and why everyone who worked for him cowered away from him in fear.

My mouth opened to say something, but no words came out. I closed it and looked around the room. Everyone awaited my response, but I didn't know what to say. I was ten times more afraid of the man beside me. I was mentally yelling at my father for putting me in this horrible position. I wanted to back out, but if I did, it would put my father's life at risk and maybe even possibly mine.

"Maybe we should've waited until after the wedding to tell her," Anderi said, looking at me with concern.

I shook my head. "I-I'm fine," I said as I cleared my voice and looked down at the table, not wanting to meet their intense gazes.

"That is why I must know where you are at all times. Once the news gets out that we are soon to be married, there will be a lot of people after you to hurt me," Czar explained.

I looked at him. "What good would It do them? You don't even care about me. You're forcing me to marry you so that I can pay back my father's debt. What kind of sick freak does that?" I spat.

Czar glared at me but didn't say anything.

I stood, ready to leave, but Czar took hold of my arm. "Sit. We have more to discuss, and breakfast has not yet been served."

I shook my arm. "I don't want to hear anymore," I said, my voice cracking slightly. I blinked away tears and hurried out of the dining room, feeling stupid and embarrassed.

As I walked the long hallways, trying to find my way back to my room when I bumped into someone. I stumbled back.

"I'm sorry," I said in a low voice.

"No, I am so terribly sorry," Lonnie said. She looked scared to have even touched me. The bags under her eyes indicated the lack of sleep she had gotten, and she looked exhausted.

"It's okay, Lonnie," I said, reassuring her. "I'm Zariah, and I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. You can go home to your son now."

She shook her head. "No, Mr.Kuzmich would be furious if I left now."

"Who cares? I'm the one sending you home. You're supposed to take orders from me as well, and I'm ordering for you to go home to your little boy and rest up. Even take the day off tomorrow," I said while smiling.

"Are you sure?" She asked, still not confident.

"Yes," I said.

She smiled and hugged me tightly. "Thank you so much."

"Of course. Now go."

She didn't hesitate to hurry towards the exit. I watched her and smiled, feeling better about yesterday's incident. But my smile quickly faded as Czar appeared.

"Did you just send Lonnie home?" He asked as he walked towards me.

"Yes, I did. She worked all night and hasn't even gone home to see her son." I said.

"And?" He said harshly, causing me to flinch slightly.

"You may be cold-hearted, but I am not." I turned, ready to return to my room, when he grabbed my arm and pulled me flush against him.

"I only have so much patience, and you are testing me. I allowed you to leave breakfast because I understand you wanted to process things, but sending my staff home is out of line."

I looked up at him, trying to match his stern gaze. "You think I care? For as long as I'm married to you, I will make it hell," I said slowly so that I could get my point across.

He laughed one hard laugh before shaking his head and looking at me.

"Hell? Oh, but I'm afraid that I'm already there." He let go of my arm, and I stumbled back slightly.

I turned sharply on my heel and hurried back to my room. Once I was inside, I busted out in tears. I hated it here with every fiber in my body. I wanted to go home and get away from Czar Kuzmich as far as I could. I wanted nothing to do with him.

I flopped back on the bed and tried to imagine myself back home with my family. We would have been enjoying breakfast and talking about our plans for the day. We would laugh when Josiah said something funny but outrageous. We would help my mother clear the table, and my father and I would do the dishes while he told me how sad he was that I'd grown up.

But that was all I could do.



Finally updated this book and I'm so excited for the chapters to come. How do you feel about Zariah? I've believe she's very headstrong a lot different than my other female leads. Don't forget to comment, vote, and share. Until next time my lovelies.

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