Haha plan

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Ashley's death


"A drop off for the best plan yet! Head to the movie-room and pick-up a camera... don't let anyone else know about it! Don't check anything else in the room! Have fun at trial psycho bear!
Ps. There is a note that need to be read in LAST TRIAL!"



(She walked into the kitchen and started making herself a sandwich. She hadn't eaten in a while so she tried to make it fats. Using a knife to spread the butter and jelly. Then after eating the sandwich, she cleaned the knife and left)


(The girl walked into the nurse's office, only grabbing a few things for her stomach pain and just a number for any pain. She tried to be swift, no reason at all, just wanted the pain gone as soon as possible. As soon as she grabbed the needed bottles and medication, she left the nurse's office)


(Ashley shoved the bottles into her pocket and entered the garden, feeling only rush and panic. She saw something on her way to the Garden... is startled her and she wasn't ready for it. However, she had tasks to do, and she wasn't gonna let this get in the way of her day. She sat down in the garden and took a deep breath, letting her hand graze over the flowers. She then reached into her other pocket and took out three dragon fly pins, then layer it into the flower patch. She did a little prayer and left the garden without further ado)


(The brunette with blonde highlights walked into the small room, grabbing a few essential things that she wished she had grabbed earlier. Again, on her way here, she saw the same disturbing thing.. giving her more chills and more fear)


(Ashley actually wanted to come here a bit ago... so now she was finally here. Her eyes fell in awe at everything in store. I'm the end, she grabbed a camera and hoped to take great shots with this! Then payed with her mono pad and left)


(The girl was on a role, getting things done that she should have done earlier, but either way it was getting done and she was glad. As she entered the library, she grabbed a book and sat down at a table, getting in some valuable reading in. After a few hours, she stood up and left, leaving the book onto the table)


(The girl in white took a seat at the table as soon as she entered. She grabbed a few coloring tools and scribbles in a piece of paper, then folded the paper and shoved it in her pocket. Almost immediately, she took her leave)


(After a long 48 hours, she entered her room. The girl ran her fingers through her hair and stretched. Then, removed her clothes and jumped into the shower, making sure she was super clean to calm herself down. When she finished, she dressed herself in her pajamas and sat down at her desk. She grabbed a pencil and paper and started writing down her day, and on a separate paper, something different.)


The Night time announcement rang and Ashley was finally ready. Everything was set in motion and she grabbed her camera and everything she needed from earlier. These past 48 hours were hard... full of planning and preparation. Ashley never really liked preparation. It was always so boring. Boring... her whole life was boring... no excitement... and all the excitement that was once there, she couldn't even remember. She left her room and headed down the hallway, then lastly entered the Movie theatre. She made sure to start the camera before starting the real plan. Ashley then stood on stage and held up a piece of paper "Self Execution". She then started setting up on the stage, using the things she grabbed from the storage closet and putting them in place. She wrapped the rope around her leg and finally tied it around her foot, then tied the other end to a pole like lever. Next she grabbed the knife from earlier and placed it in her pocket in easy access. She grabbed duct tape and taped her mouth then used the knife to slice it down her stomach. In her other pocket, she grabbed the "medicine" that was secretly poison, and rubbed it on the cut, she silently cried in pain as her life was slowly taken away. Finally, as her whole body gave out, all her weight fell, and the lever was pulled, closing the curtain and stopping the camera. Everything once in her hand had dropped onto the stage, making her suicide look like murder. The camera was then in notice for Monokuma to take as the note from earlier instructed.
A plan that should work if played correctly. TIME TO END THIS KILLING GAME ONCE AND FOR ALL!


⁃ Ashley
Truth Bullets
• Bottle of medication seems to be fiddled with. It's actually a poison bottle but someone but a label over it to make it look like real medication
• Knife dropped onto the floor which was obviously from the kitchen.
• Duct tape on her mouth preventing screams
• rope tied around her feet and to a lever, wrapped around her legs.
• struggle marks clawed at her sides, mostly likely due to the pain to her stomach.
Cause of death:
⁃ the girl was hidden behind the stage curtains. halfway hanging upside down. Her stomach cut open. The cause of death was the amount of blood loss mixed with poison.


(The video started and it was clear it was in the Movie theatre facing the stage)

Ashley walks onto the stage and holds up a paper labeled "Self Execution". The lighting was a bit dim as you watched the girl pick up a rope. She wrapped it around her legs and tie it around her feet, then tied it to a lever. Ashley then duct taped her mouth shut, She then grabbed a knife from her side and sliced her stomach. She grabbed the medicine bottle that was actually poison and rubbed it on her cut, then poured it inside.

You watched the girl slowly die, struggling and screaming from the pain. She clawed her sides of her stomach and tears formed in her eyes, and when her body finally gave out, her weight pulled the lever and closed the curtains. The video then ended.

(The screen fell black and then students turned back to Monokuma after watching that horrific sight)


You did it! You finally made it to last trial- not gonna lie, I thought you would die at my trial. Anyways... it's time you know the truth about this... it's all fake. Everything is fake. There is no real world and that's why I died the way I did. If you somehow make it out of this alive, you will see the crippling world fall into rubble and see all of it doesnt exist. Pick despair, and we can all live in the true harmony you guys want. Trust me, do it for me.
            -happier now, Ashley.


She wanted to end this killing game once and for all. She knew her intelligence was high, and she knew this would keep going until someone made a move like the one she was going to make. Ashley knew this game would last until everyone died. And since the culprit wouldn't be alive, there is no chance of starting the game up again.


The truth behind the pendent is the biggest hint to Ashley's death. The dragonfly pendent. This is intended for Damien to see and understand how she died. The biggest truth I cannot reveal.. Damien...

Understand this message and reveal my truth

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Understand this message and reveal my truth. Don't let this go unheard.

Pink is the symbol of harmony

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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