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a loud crash startled Farah out of her sleep. her eyes shot open in an instant but she refused to move. she strained her ears to listen for more noises, anything that would let her know what that crash might've been.

a moment of silence passed after the crash before two voices started to bicker inaudibly. at first, Farah was under the impression that someone might've broken in, but the possibility of that being true was minimal.

after she ruled out a potential break in, she began racking her mind to try and figure out who could possibly be breaking things and arguing in their living room. eventually, her mind took her to the possibility of her roommate and his girlfriend. she listened carefully, trying to tune in to the argument, when she heard Drew cry out, 'oh my god, Amanda!' bingo.

their voices grew louder with each insult they hurled. Farah laid in bed and wondered if her neighbors could hear what she was hearing.

"can we please just drop this already?! i already explained myself, but you don't ever listen to me!" Drew snapped, followed by the sound of a loud thud against her wall.

Farah sat upright in her bed, her jaw clenched so tight that she thought her teeth were going to shatter. she stretched her arm out and patted down her bed to try and find her phone.


bro are you home rn?

i think one of them just threw something at my wall 🙂 i think i can take a guess who threw it tbh

no im out rn

what's going on?? is everything okay?!

drew and amanda are having a pissing match on this beautiful, oh-so-lovely morning !!!!!!!!!!!!

i was sleeping rather peacefully then out of nowhere they started throwing shit and screaming. woke me up man, smh my head😔

idk who started throwing shit first but if it doesn't stop someone is getting kicked out and it's not gonna be me

i'm not losing the security on this apartment because they can't control their temper, i'm sorry.

ugh great... i don't blame you honestly. you have permission to kick them out on my behalf

so...what are they arguing abt? 🧐🧐 i'm
so nosey lol

LMFAO same.

but beats me g. i wanna know but also no i don't bc what are they saying that made it get so heated to the point where they're throwing things?


ig i'll ask him about it later if he's home

yeah, if i don't kick his ass before hand.

don't kick his ass farah. it's fine

ugh no it's not cause they're still yelling 😫😫

i need to find tuna cause idk how much more of this shit i can take

well...since you're up and clearly don't want to be at the apartment, wanna come to maddie clines? we're door dashing dunkin and she wants to know if you wanna join

𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐲'𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭 | drew starkeyWhere stories live. Discover now