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I'm at the airport going to (city). As i was making my way, I see a boy close to my age up a head. He is so handsome, that I couldn't look away. Suddenly, I crash into him. Knocking both of our belongings out of our hands. "Omg, I'm so sorry!" I said bending down to pick it up. He follows my movement and we both bump heads. "Yah! I'm sorry" he said bowing repeatably, handing me my stuff and keeping his. "Thank you, um?" "Lay. My names Lay" "well thank you La-" I was interrupted by the intercom. "All passengers to board (city), the plane will be leaving soon." it said."Oh no! I'm so sorry, but I have to go! Thank you for picking my stuff up for me, Lay! " I told him in a hurry. I turned around ready to leave, when I felt a hand on my wrist. I look back and see that the hand belongs to Lay. "Wait. What's your name?" He asked. 'I totally forgot to tell him my name!' I thought. "My names ______, but I need to go now before I miss my flight, so thank you again for your help." I said walking away. As I was fast walking away I can hear Lay shout in the distance. "You're welcome ___________!"
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