FaceTime Call

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Sooooo..... Hi! This is my first fanfic, so it might not be the best in the world. If I mess up names, facts, or spelling, please let me know!

This is KiriBaku, so if you don't agree with this ship, why are you reading?? Are you here to comment rude things about it? If so, please leave. I cannot force you to leave, but I will end up starting an argument if you comment something offensive about my writing.

This book will contain profanity (swearing) and might have some smut (I'll just have to see where the story goes). I will definitely include other ships in the story (TodoDeku and KamiSero. I might add more later on, but It's all I could come up with.



{Bakugo's POV}

I woke up to the loud ringing of my phone. It was 2:45 AM and Shitty Hair was calling me. I sat up and grabbed my phone, answering the call and putting it on speaker. "The fuck do you want, Shitty Hair," I asked with an annoyed and tired tone. I didn't care about being too loud since both of my parents were out of town. The old hag told me not to blow up the house, but she was just worried about something stupid she had bought that she couldn't take with her. I waited for Kirishima to start talking, but instead I heard nothing, "Shitty Hair..?" After I spoke, I heard a quiet, "shit," from Kirishima. I grunted and hung up. I then called him back with FaceTime.

Almost immediately, he answered. He had turned on a lamp and his hair looked soft as if he had just brushed it. A light blush appeared on my face, 'damn it, he's fucking adorable with his hair down,' I silently thought to myself as I looked at him on the phone screen that was bright as hell.

"You good, Bakubro? You look like you've been crying," his voice was quiet.

Hearing his question, I brought one of my hands up to my cheek to feel some liquid. I grunted and stood up, with the phone in hand, and turned on a light, "shut up, Shitty Hair. I'm fine," I looked at the screen to see him smiling as he said, "you're the one who facetimed me, dude." He did have a point, but he called me before I facetimed him. I just needed to see his smiling face. The fuck am I thinking?

{Kirishima's POV}

Bakugo was a really nice dude, even if he had a short temper and swears more in one sentence than I have in a lifetime. But I swear I've seen his soft side before! He's so adorable and cuddly... but he never stops being protective over me. But why me? I'm pretty sure he has other friends.. Like that Midoriya guy!

I called him by accident. I was on my phone and accidentally pressed his contact name instead of Kaminari. I don't know why, but Kaminari is always up around this time..

I then took a closer look at Bakugo's face that was lit up by his own bright screen. I noticed some tears on his cheeks. They seemed as if they had been sitting there on his cheeks for a while now.

"You good Bakubro? You look like you've been crying," I kept my voice quiet so I wouldn't wake anyone in the house.

"Shut up, Shitty Hair. I'm fine," it was so adorable when he was stubborn and tired because his voice was in a higher pitch.. Weird thought, but it's true. Is that gay??

"You're the one who facetimed me, dude," I smiled widely. He looked away from the screen, knowing I had a point. I blushed lightly, silently letting out my fanboy side, thinking about how adorable he was.

'Why so gay, Kiri?'

that voice... where is it coming from..?

I looked around my room to see no one else. The voice was familiar.. and yet I couldn't recognize it. I looked back at my phone to see that Bakugo had put his phone down so his camera was faced toward the ceiling, "Bakubro? You there?" I flinched when I heard a whimper from his side. I hung up and quickly got dressed.

'So much for minding your own business.'

Seriously, this voice has got to go. It sounds like.. wait- no.. nevermind. The voice doesn't sound innocent enough to be Midoriya's. I shrugged it off as if it were nothing. I finished getting dressed, I grabbed my phone and ran out the house, slamming each door I opened behind me, careless of waking anyone.

{3rd person POV}

Bakugo heard loud banging on his front door. He stood up and saw that Kirishima had hung up on him. He kept thinking that Kirishima thought Bakugo was a wimp because of that whimper he had let slip out of his mouth. He stood up and quickly walked to the front door and opened it. Kirishima tackled him, causing them both to fall down. Kirishima was going to bust the door down but ended up busting Bakugo down instead of the door. Kirishima sat up, still on Bakugo with a red face.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!" Bakugo yelled as he felt his face heat up. He looked up at the red head that sat on his lap. Both of their minds filled with dirty thoughts along with worried thoughts as Kirishima quickly jumped up and off of Bakugo.

"Sorry! Sorry," Kirishima's face was as red as his own hair by now, "I-I just came over t-to.. s-see if you were o-okay,' he stumbled over his own words, trying not to start speaking gibberish.

"Why the hell do you care, Shitty Hair?"


Sorry if this chapter was short, I haven't had a lot of ideas lately... I hope you enjoyed this first chapter and have a great rest of your day/night--

word count: 995 (that's a lot for someone like me :O)

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