𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚝𝚠𝚘

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As Jeno entered the gym, he couldn't take his eyes off Renjun. No matter how he tried to cut the cake, the outcome was still the same.

Renjun was writing the letters.

Maybe he's got really similar handwriting, the ravenette tried to convince himself, sitting down on a free space along the side bench. But it's so distinctive....I doubt two people could possibly have such perfect scribe skills.

The more he thought about it, the harder it became to breathe. His mind was whirring, fingers locking and loosening from each other as sweat built up along his palms.

God, Jaemin would surely hate him for this. If the youngest found out that the love of his life loved Jeno, what would that mean?

No, I'm overthinking this. There's no way Huang Renjun likes me, the teen decided, sitting back and noticing the short Chinese male wandering towards the manual score board. He doesn't even know me. It's probably someone else.....

Though as the older started to write up the names of his classmates along the white surface with a black marker, the name 'Lee Jeno' looked pretty damn familiar. It was perfect, and a direct match to his name on the immaculate letters.

I'm fucked....

"While Renjun is writing up the teams, I want you all to do some stretches. We're playing dodgeball!" Their teacher cheered, far too enthusiastic for a game that always ended in fights and blood. Jeno had lost count of how many times he had been walked to the infirmary with a bleeding nose.

"Yo, get up," a familiar high voice demanded, a pair of legs now obscuring the tall boy's line of vision. "You're on my team, Lee."

The older reluctantly looked up at him, throat dry from thoughts of Jaemin and Renjun and now heart heavy at the sight of Donghyuck. "I-I'll pass....."

"That's shit team spirit," the brunette scoffed, yanking him up by his arm roughly and shoving him towards the rest of the team.

"God, why did we have to end up with the worst player?" Someone muttered, clearly uninformed on what should've been said publicly and what should've been said within one's own mind. Donghyuck visibly gritted his teeth, refraining from punching his teammate since inside school, he and Jeno held no relationship.

"Huang! Move your short ass!" Another kid called above everyone else, waving the poor male over when he clearly didn't want to participate.

"Sorry, I have nothing better to do. I can't make it," Renjun snipped, turning on his heels and sitting back down on the bench. Jeno could've only dreamed of obtaining that level of savage confidence in front of strangers.

Donghyuck, again, balled his fists and inhaled a deep breath. "Alright, guys. We're down a player and probably worse off than the other team," he eyed the motley crew with little faith, "But miracles do happen here and there. Let's win this, yeah?"

"Yeah!" They called back, seeming to have already forgotten their fearless leader had just insulted the whole lot in very few words.

Jeno grimaced, stepping away and sneaking off into a corner to catch the stray balls, rather than join Donghyuck in the centre to smack down opponents. He truly hated this game, and would've rathered being anywhere else at this point in time.

As he subtly glanced back over his shoulder at Renjun, he could see the older boy looking back at him, cheeks pink and eyes starry.

Oh god, he's checking me out, the raven haired male internally panicked.

Crap, he caught me checking him out, Renjun shrieked on the inside, trying to avert his gaze.

They were morons, and they knew it.


How did I end up in this situation? Renjun found himself wondering, nose gushing an unhealthy amount of blood, one hand keeping the tissue pressed to it, other hand wrapped around Lee Jeno's shoulder, and one of Jeno's hands helping him apply pressure to the bridge to stop the blood flow.

They were hobbling towards the nurse's office in utter silence, awkward as hell. The older wasn't sure why exactly, though he wasn't a huge conversation starter either. Jeno, on the other hand, was trying his very best not to give the teen more reasons to like him.

As they began to ascend the staircase, a dizzy spell hit the brunette like a whip, and suddenly his vision went a bit blurry while his legs felt like jelly. This was all because Donghyuck had carelessly kicked a ball at full velocity toward the wall, aim not one bit straight, and sent it firing directly at their local 'savage king'.

Jeno furrowed his brows, pausing their journey for a moment to fix the tissue and tilt the other's head back a bit. "Try to keep your chin up-"

"Ugh, my throat!" He coughed, pulling the tissue from the taller's grasp and gagging into it unceremoniously. When he pulled away, massive blood clots remained, making Jeno's stomach churn sickly.

"Oh-Oh god," he choked, looking away and fanning his face. "How?"

"You sent my head back too far," Renjun murmured with embarrassment, "So the blood flew back down from my nose vessels to my mouth cavity...."


"N-No, you couldn't have known...."

Again, awkwardness. They weren't sure where to go from here with crimson liquid dribbling onto the floor at a furious rate, no more tissues, and no words to describe how horrible this whole ordeal was.

As if Donghyuck's words about miracles were true, the sound of heavy feet jogging down the stairs urged both to perk their attention back to the new arrival.

None other than Jaemin appeared, lips parted from running, breathing slightly heavy and sleeves rolled up to compensate for the tremendously hot weather.

Beautiful, both Renjun and Jeno thought, each shaking it off before letting it evolve. 

"Woah!" Jaemin hissed, poking his finger at his best friend, "Junnie, what the hell happened to you?! And why is Jeno with you?!"

Neither had the space to explain before he was picking the faint Chinese boy up on his back, uncaring of the blood soaking into his shirt, and taking Jeno's hand to pull him along.

"Honestly, you two," he sighed, shaking his head like he was responsible for the boys older than him, "I leave you alone for an hour Renjun. An hour. And look at you, Jeno. I saw you at lunch. Why do I have to have eyes on the back of my head?"

"Sorry," they replied simultaneously, though Renjun was more curious to know what hell the blue haired teen was talking about.

Lunchtime? He's knows Jeno after all? How? How?! HOW?!!

Jeno, however, couldn't deal with the butterflies fluttering against his insides, tickling him as Jaemin's warm hand gripped his own.

Three fools indeed. Now it was a matter of time before one of them slipped up and broke the triangle for good.

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𝗮 𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂; norenmin Where stories live. Discover now