I lie awake, in and emty bed, as the fan above me spins,and the lgiht in the hallway flickers. On. Off. On. Off. i think to myself, no one will ever understand the mind of a teenage girl, whos parents yell at her, whose sister isnt always supportive and knows how to push her buttons. i dont expect anyone to ever apologize for what other have done to me. somehow, it just wont make anything better. But what i need is darkness, somewhere my thought cant escape. somewhere i can face all of my fears, and not have any regrets. So as a lay in my bed, house cold and empty i realize nothing will ever replace the feeling i get when i am alone, or when i read a book. no boy will ever give me this feeling, or could he? i guess some people crave to be alone cause that is their way of escaping this cruel and unkind world. sometimes i ponder the thought as too who wouldnt want to be alone someitmes. but i remeber that there are some out there who thrive off being around other people. but everyonei s different .
hey guys, so im nervous about writing, but i wanted this to be a journal type of writing. please dont hate:) thanks
Amoung a life of nothing
Randomtrying to stay awake as the world drifts to a slow quite acoma