My plan

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Hi, I have a kind of like plan that's not gonna stick forever, but it'll be until I get myself together.

1. I'm not ready to start publishing books. Why? Because, with everything going on, I have been writing stuff but then losing the inspiration I had before, and never finishing it. It makes me upset when I stop in the middle and never finish what I started, so when I get better at finishing things I started I will begin writing again.

2. I won't be on that long. I'll be on a few hours at a time, but if I don't answer or I don't wanna talk AT ALL, then please respect that, there's a lot going on, and I don't wanna get angry at you but, if I just don't wanna any talking, then you should respect and not try to push me to.

3. I will still vote/comment on books, but not as much, I'm sorry if you saw that I didn't vote but I commented, just let me know, and I'll vote on your book.

This is all not gonna last for long, I should be better sooner than I thought, I've already started to feel a little better, but for now it'll be like this. Please respect my decisions don't try to push me, I've made up in my mind, that what I'm about to do is necessary.

Thank you!


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