the dragon beneath the castle.

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Many many years ago, an era where magical beings existed from small elves to the biggest titan. Gods, fairies, mermaids, dragons and many more- they lived in peace and harmony, of course the Gods were leading the subjects for the greater good. And as gifts for being such good subjects, the humans were granted to use magic for their daily lives and as expected they used the gift for flighting for the right thing. Until one day, a man whom despised the Gods started to learn black magic, it was of course granted by the devils below who did not agree to coexist with the other beings. Those devils lived underneath the surface of the earth, they crave for destruction of all what those Gods has made. The man then soon sold his soul to the devils in exchange for greater power, a power than can challenge a God itself.

On one peaceful day, the man emerged himself from the darkness along with his company and challenged all of the God and Goddesses to fight and whom who will win shall take over as the ruler of all. This made the holy beings burst in anger, they granted the man's wish, they broke out war that caused tremendous chaos all over the land. Mortals were easily burned by the angry flames of the chaos, thus they died. The war ended with the man being banished from stepping on the surface once more, he was then made as the ruler of the underworld and was also made immortal. The very first human to betray the Gods.

And as punishment from the betrayal of mankind to the Gods, they took away the peace and harmonic coexistence of humans towards the other magical beings, hiding from it's wrath and toxic behavior. The Gods took most of the mortals' magic but luckily some were able to write how to gain magic back down before it was taken away. Gods and Goddesses didn't dare look back on earth and returned to the heavens whilst the beings not alike to humans hid away and didn't dare to come back. The mortals were left on the scratch. But the Gods did not let the humans die out, they blessed them with prosperous land once more, but this time, no more Gods were guiding them. They are free to do anything they want, even doing sin.


Thousands of years have passed since then, mortals who can use magic were getting lesser and lesser, but up to this era, magic still exists, in some people. Artificial magic was then made for purposes. Those magical creatures now were nothing but legends and fairy tales, humans cease to believe those still exist. Many kingdoms now were made and stood tall, leading it's people for triumph. And for every kingdom, there is always a princess or a prince, royalties, politics.

A kingdom named Celestar, stood proud and tall, the kingdom is well known for its prosperous land and good rulers. The people loved their king and queen, all because they cured the poverty the past monarchs has brought upon the land. Then there was the princess, the only child of the king and the queen, a kind hearted woman just like her mother, Layla. Lucy was the princess' name, polite and well educated, she was raised to act and be a proper lady but inside Lucy's heart, she wanted to explore and journey out the world, but it seems impossible even in her thoughts. They were one of those people who can use magic, the Heartfilias' use what they call 'Stellar Magic' in which they call out spirits from the realm of the stars to help them out in things like that and this.


"So does our kingdom have deep dark creepy secrets?" It was Lucy who spoke, she was trimming a small plant with fluff like leaves- weird plant- it's pot was really cute, small.

"Hm?" Layla- her mother, responded with a hum and turned her head to gaze at Lucy, before smiling and gave out a shrug as she placed her hands on her hips. The mother and daughter look exactly alike you might mistook them as sisters. "Well~" the older blond started, this made Lucy stare at her in curiosity.

Layla leaned in to Lucy's ear and whispered words Lucy didn't expect.

"There's a dragon under the castle." right after Layla said that, she immediately pulled away and smiled cheekily at her daughter who looked astounded.

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