Chapter 1: The Little Lost Girl

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The cool breeze hits my face as I lift myself over the tree leaves and my face meets the light of the moon. A content sigh escapes my lips and sit on a sturdy looking tree branch, I rest my back on the tree branch. The stars start to shine brighter so I begin to point to all the constellations that I know of, which is most of them. My favourite star is Polaris, more commonly known as the North Star, it's the brightest star and sailors use the star for navigation. Even if you don't have a map, you can mostly get to your destination by using the stars, a map in the sky.

I hear the leaves rustle beneath me and I instantly grab my long-clip dagger from my sheath attached to my belt. There's another rustle, this time closer to me, so I put myself in a squatting position on the branch. I grip onto the handle of my long-clip dagger, I ready myself for an attack from any type of creature. An uncomfortable silence  lands across the trees, making me more suspicious and wary about my surroundings. A twig snaps. A shiver runs down my spine as the hair on my neck stand on their end. I don't particularly want to fight in a tree, but I will if I must.

"Why so tense, Kaia," a voice asks. I immediately jump and turn around to possibly attack whoever it is. I let out a growl and roll my eyes as I sheath my dagger, "you seem disappointed, little one. Am not who you expected?"  

"I was expecting a threat, Pan," I smirk at him as he flies closer to me. He laughs a little bit and I go back to resting my back on the tree trunk, he lands on the branch I'm sat on with a cocky smile on his face, "and no, you didn't scare me, so don't start getting cocky on me."

He gives me his classic 'Pan smirk' and I roll my eyes again, "If you keep rolling your eyes, you might find a brain back there," he comments and my mouth falls open. I attempt to push him off the branch but he just uses the pixie dust to fly, "Nice try, little one. What are you doing up here?" He asks me, still in the air.

I sigh and sit upright, "I just wanted to see the stars," I tell him and I look up to the sky, "you get the best view in this tree," I look back at Pan and he quickly smiles at me, "did you need me for something?" I ask him, wondering why he decided to find me.

"You left camp 3 hours ago," he whines and I fold my arms across his chest. The immortal 17 year old still acts like a toddler, "the boys and I were wondering when you're going to come back." He sits back on the branch and scoots closer to me.

"You know, I think I might go visit Tink today," I think out loud, knowing that Pan doesn't really like Tink. His eyes darken and he gives me a warning look, I sigh, "finee, I'll come back to camp, but this is the last time you use that look to get me to do what you want."

Pan chuckles as I climb down the tree, "That's what you said last time, little one," he reminds me. I jump onto the muddy forest floor and Pan appears in front of me, "Don't forget, this is my island, my rules," The two of us start walking down the mud path, Pan slightly ahead of me. This is the way he's always been, the leader of the Lost Boys and you don't want to make him angry, "I'm surprised you didn't take Iris with you."

I simply shrug my shoulders, "Pan, you know I love Iris more than you and the boys, but a wolf can't climb trees. Devin and I found that out," I laugh a little bit while Pan chuckles again, "has he been causing any trouble?" I ask him. When I first found Iris, a beautiful white wolf, in Neverland, he wasn't to keen on letting me keep him but he warmed up to him eventually.

He just shakes his head, "he's been pretty calm around me and the boys. He's been missing you as well," he smiles at me and I smile back. Over the how ever many years I've been on Neverland, the Lost Boys and Pan have become my family. Pan has taken the role of protective big brother a bit too seriously but I don't mind, I've never thought about leaving Neverland. I have nothing for me away from this island so why should I leave?

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