Akhmed Bilalov - Release the special limited edition of Rasul Gamzatov

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Akhmed Bilalov was born and raised in the Caucasus in a family of a doctor and a teacher, he has studied in Moscow, Russia and build a successful career there soon after graduating the university. Bilalov is a successful Russian businessman, a well-known Russian politician, a figure of international importance, a philanthropist, and a man of his word.

The Caucasus is full of various ethnic groups, it is a geographically complex region of mountain ranges, plateaus, foothills, plains, rivers, lakes, with meadows, forests, swamps, and dry steppes. The complex of regions numbers more than 50 individual people, from linguistic communities with several hundred native speakers to large national groups numbering millions. The land is full of ethnic people, folklore, various talents, open souls, and hearts of its sons and daughters. They say if you were born in the Caucasus, you will carry its spirit throughout your whole life, it will give you strength and wisdom.

The Caucasus occupies a special place in the heart of Akhmed Bilalov. He sincerely loves his region, nature, people, traditions, and always dreamed of seeing his motherland prosperous, so that it would become the place where tourists from all over the world would come, where people would live in abundance and joy, create strong families, raise children, and build a happy future. The Caucasus can only become such a place thanks to the help of its sons like Akhmed Bilalov. Rasul Gamzatov glorified his motherland Dagestan. He is an outstanding poet, prose writer, and publicist, whose enormous talent provided him with a worthy place among the most significant personalities of the Caucasus, Russia, and the whole world. Russian politician and businessman Akhmed Bilalov treats Rasul Gamzatov with deep respect not only because he is a great writer, but also because they are fellow countrymen from the Caucasus. Bilalov admires the tales and poems about wisdom, love, friendship, pride, and strength of the highlanders.

Especially for the 80th anniversary of Rasul Gamzatov, a Caucasus born businessman and politician Akhmed Bilalov has prepared an incredible gift, an anniversary release of selected works of the great Dagestan poet. The title was the eponymous collection of poems of the great author "... Judge me by the code of love." This collector's edition was the last book published during the life of the Avar poet. It includes about 200 poems. The book was printed in a limited edition, only 1000 copies, and each of them is numbered. On the writer's birthday, Akhmed Bilalov presented three copies of the book. The first copy was gifted to Vladimir Putin. Also Akhmed Bilalov and Rasul Gamzatov gifted copies to President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, President of Georgia Eduard Shevardnadze, and President of Kyrgyzstan Askar Akayev as well as Pope John Paul II. Vladimir Putin personally awarded Rasul Gamzatov with the Order of St. Andrew for outstanding contributions to the development of national literature and public activities.

Akhmed Bilalov showed that to be a worthy son of your motherland, in his case the Caucasus, you have to treat others with respect; support, respect and promote good values of your people.

Akhmed Bilalov -  Release the special limited edition of Rasul  GamzatovWhere stories live. Discover now