The return of the dear friend

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Melitron, the daughter of Metatron, she is one of the two beyond Seraphim, the other being her father.
Melitron is second only to her father and third only to God, to everyone else, she is number one.
Nammu and Indra are the ones inhabiting Melitron's body.
Melitron serves under King Gilgamesh, her friends include, Trud, Chrysaor, Myrddin and Ninsun.
Melitron's companion is the cosmic dragon bird known as Minokawa.
So yeah, this is not a story about Melitron fighting anyone, considering there is literally no one in all of creation that could march/surpass her, other then her father and God.
This story is more about Melitron helping someone that is dear to her, and that someone is King Gilgamesh.
Now, Melitron can literally do ANYTHING with all her powers, even create life and souls, but so can her father.
But creating life and souls, is that not something only God can do?
Our story picks up, with Melitron walking up the stairs that lead to the throne of God, where her father stands guard.
Melitron arrives at the throne.
" My daughter " said Metatron with a smile.
But Melitron just looks like she has a lot on her mind.
" What is it, my child? " said Metatron.
" Father.... do I have the right to create life? " said Melitron.
Metatron just looked at his daughter.
" I mean, I can create anything, even an entire universe, but I do not desire to create universes, what I wish right now, is to help someone that is dear to me, someone, who is suffering.. " said Melitron has she was being filled by emotions.
" Melitron.... " said Metatron.
Melitron now started to cry.
" I know that I have no right, but what are all these powers good for, if I can't even help my King.... " said Melitron full of emotions.
Melitron's six wings could now be seen.
Metatron looked, as his daughter made her right hand into a fist.
Melitron charged at her father.
" Behold, GOD'S WILL! " said Melitron.
Metatron held out the palm of his right hand.
Melitron now hit her father's palm and then fell to her knees, her wings also disappeared.
" My sweet daughter, I remember telling you what would happen if you used that move, you could end up destroying all of creation, a billion times over " said Metatron with a smile as he looked at his palm.
Metatron then kneeled down, and ran his hand on his daughters back, while Melitron was still crying.
" I know, and I am sorry, I know having the powers and abilities to do anything is a heavy burden - Metatron now wiped away his daughters tears - but it does get easier with time, you have to do it everyday, but it does get easier " said Metatron with a smile.
Melitron also smiled and then hugged her father.
" My beloved child, there is nothing that I would not do for you, but, I can not answer your question, only one can do that " said Metatron.
Melitron now looked towards God's throne.
Melitron hugged her father even more tightly.
" I love you dad "
" And I you, my sweet Melitron "
Melitron now walked towards the throne of God.
As she was walking, she noticed a second chair in front of God's throne, and a chess set in the middle.
" Is that you, Anu? " said Nammu.
" Oh, hey Nammu, long time no see " said Anu with a smile.
Melitron now stood before God, who was sitting on his throne.
The name God was spelled in hebrew, latin, arabic and adamic and was on God's throne above his head.
Melitron kneeled and then said
" I have a question, may I ask it? " said Melitron.
" You may " said God.
" Do I have the right to create life and souls? " said Melitron.
" Why do you wish to create life and souls? " said God.
" I wish to bring someone back " said Melitron.
" Who? " said God.
" Enkidu " said Melitron.
Anu's eyes widen.
" Oh right, you serve King Gilgamesh " said Anu with a smile.
God just looked at Melitron, God then said
" You have the power, then do as you wish "
Melitron's eyes widen.
Melitron stood back up and looked at God.
" Did my answer offend you? " said God.
"What... No no.. I just.... " said Melitron confused.
God smiled.
" Dear child, go and help your dear friend " said God.
Melitron smiled and then bowed.
Melitron ran and gave her father a hug and then teleported away.
God and Anu returned to playing chess.

Melitron teleported to the kingdom of Ereshkigal.
Near Ereshkigal's palace was the grave of Enkidu.
Melitron stood before the grave and held out her right hand.
Ereshkigal and her children looked on as Melitron used her powers.
A huge beam of light shot up from the grave of Enkidu, and after a few seconds, stood Enkidu in front of everyone.
" Unbelievable " said Ereshkigal.
" Welcome back " said Melitron.
Enkidu just smiled.

In Uruk, within the ziggurat, sat King Gilgamesh on his throne, alone.
The King then felt a warm wind blow over him.
King Gilgamesh looked and saw someone walked towards him.
" Who goes ther- but before King Gilgamesh could finish, he saw who it was, and did not believe his own eyes.
" Enkidu... " said King Gilgamesh.
King Gilgamesh walked down from his throne, he now walked a little closer to Enkidu.
" No.... it can't be, can it.. " said King Gilgamesh as tears filled his eyes.
Enkidu said, with a warm smile
" I have returned, back to you, my love "
Tears now rolled down King Gilgamesh cheeks.
King Gilgamesh saw Melitron behind Enkidu.
Melitron simply nodded her head.
King Gilgamesh now tightly hugged Enkidu.
" I promise, I will never lose you again " said King Gilgamesh.
" You never lost me, I was only gone for awhile, but now, I will never leave your side, my love "
said Enkidu as he now started to cry as well.
Melitron walked out the ziggurat and joined her friends.
The King has now finally been reunited with his dear friend.

King Gilgamesh and Enkidu are in bed together.
" Gil, I want another child " said Enkidu with a smile.
King Gilgamesh now had a flashback, to when Enkidu was 6 months pregnant with Ur-Nungal, King Gilgamesh was hiding behind a column, while Enkidu was trying to find King Gilgamesh with glowing eyes, and saying
" Gil, I am hungry "
King Gilgamesh did not know what to do, so in the end, he ran to his mother for help.
Back in the present.
" We will see " said King Gilgamesh as he and Enkidu got back to having intercourse.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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