Undefined Enemy

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He who coos in front of everyone and stabs me when I am not looking. He who laughs when he succeeds from his evil schemes. He who I myself can't understand. He who tries to bring himself up while letting others down. He who can't see his imperfections. This is HIM whom I hated the most. 

We had been friends for months. We enjoyed each other's company. We laughed until we die. And we always worked as a team. But, Why? Why did everything change? I accept the fact that change is the only permanent thing in the world. However, I can't stomach the events that happened and words spewed in each other's mouth. And HEART. Between Him and me.

It started when we were still innocent of the High School ingenuity. Ingenuine, yes, this is the best thing to describe HIM. I never thought about the danger that we may face when we got too close with each other. Yes, there is the emotional connection between us. He's not my boyfriend, that would be awkward. He used to be my best-boy-friend (he's partially homosexual), before things screwed up. 

We are commonly group mates and most of the times it's either me or him chosen as the leader. At first, he's cool, he works artistically and totally awesome. The delinquency started when we have had our last project in a single subject. It was a play which was for the whole classroom. I was having my practice during those times for the National Press Conference, which is hard cause I need to balance everything especially I was the leader.

I know like seriously that everyone was excited. We planned so much for this and we were aiming the first place since we're from the Scholars' class. Well, everything worked perfectly at first, everyone was helping, patient and understanding. However, when the deadline and the actual play was coming, there, there, REAL him showed up. He was too annoyed and too eccentric. Everyone was complaining about him. He didn't know about it. Everyone's afraid of him, though he's really not serious and strict during practices.

Okay, move on about those drama. We won anyways and he and I were friends again after that. Oh sure, it was not for real. You know you can't just forget every mistake and sins you did to each other during "wars". And anyways, he WAS afraid of me then. The problem is that, I just don't know what to do now. He realized I am nobody to be scared of. And he has a lot of friends, he rules over them and he can make them do anything against me, in fact, he does.

He talks a lot, I mean he makes you hear every word he says. And you know it's just for you cause it kills your heart. I don't know why my brain chooses to cease everything and pretend I can't hear anything. I am still an intellectual anyways, so my heart is a loser in matters of decisions. I don't know if it's something right or wrong. I am in a middle of a crisis. I can't just fight and battle with words. He's hard to fight, I admit that. Cause he surely will make you feel guilt and he makes everyone think you are the sinner here.

Because of that, my life's MISERABLE. I can't tell everyone about this. Cause I am pretty cautious about his followers. He is Voldemort in my life, and I believe that he believes I am Voldemort too. Yes, he has followers, tons of them. And most of them are purely daft to believe him. Even my bestfriends, he lounges and conquer them. No matter what I do, I can't just backstab an old friend of mine even he can and he does, EVERYDAY.

Okay, I may sound prudish, but this is the truth and nothing but the TRUTH. Cause honestly, you can't trust anyone besides God and your family (sometimes not even). This is my first article, and though it's purely hatred and not romance as you always wanted. This is me, farewell. ~

Undefined EnemyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon