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Shirt. CHECK.

Poster. CHECK.

Baller. CHECK.


ALBUM!!! (returns all the other stuff)

I really can't help it if I wanna buy all their stuff but for now this is my priority and is all I can afford. My very own copy of their self titled album.

At last.

My closet fangirling days are now over. Well, somewhat. I still need to slowly announce it to the public and by public, I meant Facebook and Twitter.

Which would then mean I need to use the internet.

Which I haven't used since what I like to call as the 'Adrian Dilemma'.

I'm gonna stop there. Too many which's already. We do not need more.

I think it has been three days since I jokingly replied to him. I've been intentionally avoiding social media sites for that three days 'cause logging in would be my make or break point: I will finally know if I'm the Angel he's talking about or not.

And I'm pretty sure that if the answer is no then I'm pretty much emotionally unprepared for it so I'm trying to stall the judgement day for as long as I can.

Come to think of it. My feelings are actually at cross-purposes right now. On one side, I want to log in and get the truth over with while on the other hand, I love to keep on pretending that I'm his Angel so I'm also kinda stalling on purpose.

See how simple my life is?

But I guess I didn't really need to decide now 'cause the decision came running towards me in the form of my mom.

"Darling, are you by chance, hiding your boyfriend from me?"

I'm pretty sure I have the WHAT THE FUDGE look on my face right now.

I do not have a boyfriend. I mean, yes I do but he's not someone we'll be seeing in the flesh in, like, FOREVER 'cause you know he's fictional.


"I said. Do you, by some voodoo or something, acquired yourself a boyfriend?", my mom asked me. Sarcastically if I might add.

"The answer to that question my ever loving and never sarcastic mother is NO. Also, please tell whoever told you that piece of amazing gossip that I'm really glad that somebody found me a boyfriend coz I'm finding it hard to get myself one."

"Well, then. You got yourself an admirer. You don't need to buy those stuff you've been drooling at for the past hour coz I just got off the phone with Cass and she said somebody sent you a box full of Code Red items. I'm not familiar with that band. Are they cool?"

I'd like to formally introduce my mom, Jessica. You can say I've the coolest mom ever who can be more 'teenager-ish' than me at times. But I wouldn't trade her for another. She's a strong, sarcastic and loving mother even when my dad left us. I know, I know, this is getting a teeny tiny bit emotional. But-


Oh no. There's nobody else I can think of that would do that. I meant, that is capable of doing that. Gotta log in. PRONTO.


Hi guys! sorry for the very short, sort of filler chapter. I was having a writer's block so when I started to get some ideas I immediately typed them up but the end product is short so this is just a confession 0.5 (haha). Anyways, hope you like this and thank you for the 176 reads!! Please continue to vote, share and comment (coz it reassures me that I should proceed with this lol).

love lots,

yel xx

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