The start

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The wind blew as Jungkook watched a group of six from the rooftops, contemplating whether to help them or not from the zombie horde that was so close to them. He had been tracking this particular zombie horde for a couple of weeks, studying them and what they did. It was all part of how he would get the cure, he needed to know how the zombies acted and be able to predict their every move.

This group of six men were just joking around, they had not seen the zombies that were half a mile away from them. They were heading straight for them. Yes, they had survived the two years of the outbreak but from the looks of things they will not survive this, not all of them at least.

He decided to help them. Usually he wouldn't, he learnt his mistake last time when he helped a group which ended up stabbing him in the back, literally. There was something about these men that made him want to help them, but he had no clue what it was.

He grabbed his things from the rooftop which consisted of three guns and around five knives that he kept on him. He had a base somewhere else where all his other gear was and so much weaponry that he gathered over the two years. He had raided so many places after the outbreak that it was hard to count.

The group still carried on, oblivious to the danger that was heading their way. This was when Jungkook decided to step in, climbing down from the rooftop and ending up right behind the group. The zombie horde was almost right in front of them now. How can they not see them, how stupid can you be? He thought whilst sneaking quietly behind them. One of the guys looked up and saw the first zombie coming towards them. Finally! Jungkook thought. The small man called to the rest of the group and they sprang up, washing away their smiles and turning serious, bringing out their weapons and aiming them at the oncoming horde.

They can't possibly think they can take them by themselves, can they? Jungkook thought, not knowing when to help or whether to just leave them on their own. He decided to help them if they needed it, if not he could go back to his base and not be shown to a group which would probably be best for him.

Jungkook hid behind an abandoned car, peeking out to watch the newfound group in front of him. They were agile, they could fight that's for sure. He noticed some were fighting and some were using guns and knives, a perfect group with a range of abilities. Even though they were getting through the horde quickly, the fight had attracted another horde, a lot bigger than the ones they were fighting. They had no way of getting through this one. Jungkook chose to help now, even though his brain went against it.

He ran out from the car as the men had begun noticing the upcoming horde that was almost right in front of them. Jungkook sprang into action, bringing his guns out and standing in front of the men. They all looked at him in shock, but he had no time for that, the horde was closing in on them.

Aiming his gun at the zombies, he began firing, hitting them exactly in their head, killing them instantly. The zombie's bodies fell limp in front of them lifeless, not like they were really alive anyway but still dead. He hadn't been carrying that many bullets today as he was only supposed to be watching the zombies, this meant he was almost running out of bullets. The men behind him weren't helping much either, they were just staring at him except two who were helping shooting the beasts that neared them.

After some time, he had run out of bullets, the horde still wasn't that small, there were still over a dozen still coming towards them. Dropping the empty guns to the floor, he brought out his two favourite knives. He ran into the hoard of zombies, slashing them with his knives before they could even land a hit on him. They were falling like dead flies onto the floor, leaving a trail of bodies to where the boy was fighting. There wasn't many left, so he threw his two knives into to oncoming zombies, hitting them straight in their face, killing them quickly.

Using his fists and feet, he fought the rest of the zombies leaving none alive and he was left there breathing heavily, looking at the pool of dead bodies around him. It was almost as if he was in a trance while he looked at the rotting bodies around him. After a little while he walked towards some of the zombies, pulling his knives out of their gross flesh and wiping the blood off before putting them back in their holders in the back of his shirt. He had almost forgot about the men behind him when he turned around. They were all staring at him with wide eyes, speechless.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, stepping over the dozens of zombie corpses, making his way over to the gawking group. He was getting annoyed over the men staring at him, so he picked his knife and threw it straight at one of the men, narrowly hitting his and hitting the car behind him. This got them moving.

"What is your fucking problem, you almost hit me!" The short one shouted. He had cute blonde hair and was the second shortest in the group. He held a nasty glare as he stared at the new guy who just smirked back at him. "You were pissing me off by staring at me." Jungkook scoffed, still with a smirk on his face. He stepped closer to the men, walking straight past them, taking the stuck knife out of the side of the car, putting it back in the holder before turning to the group once again.

"The words you are looking for is 'thank you'" Jungkook said smirking at the group. Instead of waiting for their reply, Jungkook turned around and started to walk away, leaving the group confused. "Where are you going?" One of the men asked, confusion laced in his voice. "I'm going back to my base, away from the new horde of zombies that will be arriving soon." He said, not turning around and carrying on walking. "Come with me if you want, but you can't stay." Silently the group began following the boy, stepping over the corpses of the dead zombies.

They walked through the abandoned city, weaving through the buildings that had fallen and the overgrown plants that now took over the whole city. They had met a few other zombies; however, they were taken down with ease by their 'guide'. He was always a step ahead of them, not talking at all and keeping to himself. The rest of the group tried to make small talk with him but he either didn't reply or brushed them off and sped up walking. It had become dark now, and the only light that was there was the moon which was guiding the seven through the buildings. Everyone had given up with trying to talk with the boy in front of them for he had begun ignoring everything they had said. They wondered why he was like this but couldn't ask as he would ignore them anyway.

The sun had begun rising and everyone wondered how long it would be until they arrived at the mysterious base of the mysterious boy. They didn't even know why they were going with him and why they trusted him, but still they followed behind watching their surroundings and looking out for anything lurking in the darkness of the buildings.

As they were beginning to tire, the boy finally stopped at an old looking building. It was very run down and the top of it was mostly rubble from the years of it not being used.

"Welcome to my base, it's not much but it will keep us from the hordes that run the streets." Jungkook presented. "There is food and shelter but do not steal anything. I am being kind here; this is not something I'd usually do. Oh, and by the way, the names Jungkook. Nice to meet you."


Thank you so much for reading and I'm so sorry I decided to change my mind halfway through my story. I hope you enjoy this a lot more though.

Love you!

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