'A Love Blossoms'

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The White House, which before had felt like an unachievable dream, has now become a prison to all who dwell within it: more so to Fitz Grant, Mellie Grant and Olivia Pope. They were once a team [an unbeatable team] but, after certain secrets came to light, they became distant and stopped speaking to each other: at least that's the facade Mellie and Olivia are putting up in front of Fitz. After their meeting on climate control, they all agreed to meet the next day to discuss the topic even further. They exited the Oval Office and went their separate ways.

As Olivia made her way down the halls to head back to O.P.A, a voice stops her in her tracks: "Liv, wait!" It was Mellie trotting to catch up to her.

"Mellie, did I forget something?" Olivia asked noticing Mellie's worried tone

"No, you didn't forget anything. I just wanted to say thank you for supporting me back there. I know it wasn't easy and it means a lot to me." Mellie replied with a smile

"Oh," Olivia giggled, "it's no problem, Mells. I honestly prefer your ideas of Fitz's any day. I was just on my back to my office."

Mellie blushed at Olivia's nickname for her and continued: "Of course, Olivia Pope's work is never done. If there's anything you need, Liv, please to hesitate to call me."

"Trust me, Mells, you are always my first call if anything or anyone bothers me," Olivia declared with a smile, "I'll catch up with you later ok?"

"Sounds good, Liv. I'll be waiting." Mellie said with a smile

As Mellie made her way back to her room, she remembered that she left something in Fitz's office, so she makes her way back and as she approaches the door, she hears 2 voices:

"I noticed that both Mellie and Olivia left here quite upset, sir." Cyrus said

"You picked up on that too, Cy. I've always asked Liv for advice, but, when she said that we should hear Mellie's idea: I was shocked. Mellie is a brilliant woman, as we all know, but I didn't think that she would be THIS passionate over climate control." Fitz says in disbelief

"It's not just that, sir, Mellie has ALWAYS been passionate about things she cares about. I think that they're both upset because you somehow manage to dismiss both of their ideas: it makes no sense that you ask for their advice when you won't consider it." Cyrus replied firmly

"You're absolutely right, Cyrus. I need to be more considerate of them," Fitz states solemnly, "Since my schedule has cleared up, I'm going to the golf course. I need to clear my mind for a while."

"Very well, sir. I shall await your return." Cyrus nods in understanding

Before they could catch her, Mellie made her way to her room, giddy with excitement. I can't believe what I just heard! Then again, this is Fitz, who knows if he actually meant anything he said. She opened the door, walked to her desk and began reviewing the plan the 3 of them had come up with to make sure it was strong enough to present to The Senate. After making a few adjustments, she made copies of the new plan, poured herself a glass of bourbon and walked toward the balcony outside her room to admire the view and unwind.

Lost in thought, she was awoken from her trance by a familiar hand being placed on her shoulder:

"I thought I caught you at a bad time, Mells." Olivia said with a gentle laugh

"Not at all, Liv. I was just out here admiring the view after a LONG day battling for the betterment of our country. How are things at O.P.A?" Mellie asked

"Things at O.P.A are going well, as always, but my most recent client is proving to be quite a handul. I think I might need some help with this particular case." Olivia replied hesitantly

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