Rough Starts.

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Jordyn's Pov-

Coming from the ghettos of Chi-town isn't easy. In fact it's beyond hard. Living in a rundown, one bedroom apartment with 3 other people isn't easy either.

Going to a broke school every year of your life isn't much fun or easy. Your school barely able to afford text books for your education. They always stressing "don't drop out of school" or "knowledge is power" or try this one, "knowledge is the most important thing" it's hard to get knowledge when you can barely get to school without hearing gun shot or the police following you because you look suspicious.

Most people don't make it out the ghetto, most people don't have an education past the tenth grade because they got associated with gangs, or even started doing drugs. In the ghetto it's easy to come upon drugs, ha just ask homeboy on the corner.

But I made it. Not only did I make it, my sister did too. We didn't let the "average lifestyle" get in out way. We didn't let the drugs addicts or crack heads convince us to do drugs. Or even the baby mamas begging for child support convince us to hit the club every other Tuesday. Nor did we let the white people tell us that we just another black set of sisters who need to give up.

No, we studied, and we studied hard. We became intelligent, hard working, and intellectual young women. I am a psychologist and my sister is a lawyer.

We achieved our goals and we came out on top, not letting people talk down on us and make us worth less than what we are.

Our parents?, they're proud. Proud is an understatement. We are their pride and joy, all they ever wanted was for their daughters to be better then who they grew up with, the ones who didn't make it, they ones who had the opportunity to change their lifestyles, but they took the drugs, the gang life for fast cash and even faster women.

It's wasn't easy I can promise you that, it will never be easy, even when you're sitting in a penthouse on top of the most expensive hotel there is. There will always be the people who envy you and will try to get back at you. The people you don't even know and the despise you because of your accomplishments.

If you keep on pushing and striving for what you want in life, im sure you will have it. It's up to you. Nobody else can make the decisions for you. If you want it bad enough you'll get it. Don't count on people, especially people who have just as much as you do. Those people will let you down the most, always trying to out do you. Trying to make you look like a fool who can't handle themselves.

Not me, I know what I want. Well I knew what I wanted. Because I got it now.



Well-known family name.

I'm a psychologist.

And my motto:

"Business before pleasure."

Don't think you can do it alone either, because you can't. Nobody can do it alone, they can't even do it with a friend. You have to do it with God, our lord and savior. The one who forgives us for our sins, and bless us constantly even though we feel as if we don't deserve the blessings. There will be bumps, hills, and mountains in the road, with God you will overcome those and get what you worked hard for.

Even for the most important and needed people on the earth, it all began with a rough start.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2015 ⏰

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