03/06/2018 6:02PM

153 12 2

03/06/2018 6:02PM

Harry's eyes looked up at the jingle of the bell. Luke walked in and placed the camera down before wiping the water from the rain off his face.

"How was the shoot?"

"It was great." Luke nodded.


Luke shrugged, "She looks better than she feels, she won't admit to that but I can tell, I've known her too long not too."

"I'm sure she'll be fine."

Luke rolled his eyes, "The pair of you are a mess with out each other, go and talk to her." Harry shook his head and Luke replied with, "I know you love her."

That's when Luke's eyes glanced to the back wall, the two pictures of Alex and Aryn were gone, in their place were two pictures of Summer.

Harry thought back to when he put the pictures up, it was about a week after everything had kicked off. He was sitting at his computer, flicking through is pictures he had taken when out and about, while doing that he stumbled across a folder labeled 'Summer'. He clicked on it and the entire thing was full of breath taking pictures of her.

Scrolling through the endless pictures of her and her smile he realised that she really did love him and that he should have gone after her, because he loved her too, yet he couldn't find it in him to go and see her.

He had really hurt her and she deserved so much better, not even the perfect apology could do justice.

That hurt him more than when she walked away but he thought he was doing the right thing, not realising Summer wanted to be in his arms just as much as he wanted her there.

Upon his little thought Harry found himself looking at the pictures that now hung on the wall.

One picture was from when they went for one of their many all night drives and she was sitting on the hood of the car, looking up at the stars, the moonlight showed her features in a way make-up never could and she was beautiful.

The second picture was from when they were standing in the middle of Times Square, Summer was laughing as the snow was falling but not heavy enough to blanket the town.

"I do love her." Harry agreed, "I realised too late."

"It's most definitely not too late, I know she's still mad over you, Harry, for gods sakes go and see her."


Luke nodded, "Yeah, now."

Harry let out a deep sigh before glancing to the picture one more time.


Picture 18 ~H.S~Where stories live. Discover now