MudWings names!

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A/N: Hello, everyone! Welcome to my Wings of fire name generator! This book will most likely include canon tribes and some of my Fantribes! You may also make requests for some of your Fantribes!


1. Beaver (A large semiaquatic rodent)

2. Toad (A classification of a type of frog)

3. Mire (A wetland area)

4. Silt (Made up of rock and mineral particles)

5. Heron (A species of long-legged,long-necked, coastal/freshwater birds)

6. Sod (A upper layer of soil)

7. Fen (A unique type of wetland)

8. Log (A part of the tree trunk/large branch that has fallen/ been cut off of a tree)

9. Lilypad (the round floating leaf of a water lily)

10. Muskrat (medium-sized semiaquatic rodent)

11. Mallard (a type of duck)

12. Bayou (body of water found in flat, low-lying areas)

13. Frog (a type of amphibian)

14. Phragmites (the scientific term for reeds)

15. Mahogany (a shade of brown)

16. Sierra (a shade of brown)

17. Egret (a long-legged wading bird)

18. Lahar (violent type of mudflow)

19. Stick (a thin piece of wood that has fallen/ been cut from a tree)

20. Alder (a shade of brown)

21. Coypu (a large semi-aquatic rodent)

22. Cypress (a shade of brown)

23. Landslide (the sliding down of a mass of earth/rock from a mountain or cliff)

24. Hickory (a shade of brown)

25. Toadstool (a type of fungus that can grow in marshes/swamps)

26. Mudslide (a flow of water that contains large amounts of silt)

27. Horsetail (a plant species that can grow in marshes)

28. Morass (an area of muddy or boggy ground)

29. Platypus (a semiaquatic, egg-laying mammal)

30. Rouen (a species of duck)

31. Leech (a parasitic worm)

I got ideas for the names from:


Jan. Prince / Princess

Feb. Queen / King

Mar. BigWing

Apr. Jade mountain academy student

May. Doctor

Jun. Teacher

Jul. Army troop leader

Aug. Outcast

Sec. Royal advisor

Oct. Royal cook

Nov. Baker

Dec. Shopkeeper

I got Lahar the shopkeeper! 

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