The Sorting

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    Diana had been dreaming of this moment for as long as she could remember. Walking across platform 9 3/4 she'd admit late that it was just as magical as she imagined. The owls hooting from their carrying cases and parents shouting at kids calling greetings to friends they hadn't seen all summer.  Behind it all, through the bright white steam sat a red and black steam engine with gold writing on the side: The Hogwarts Express. Diana was so excited she thought she might be able to fly all the way to school, no broom necessary.
    "Miss Granger?"
    Diana rolled her eyes but didn't really mean it.
    "Yes Philip?"
    "Your mother told be not to let you out of my sight and yet here you are, throwing yourself into the crowd. Thank goodness you didn't go to Diagon Alley with me."
    "Sorry," Diana responded, again not meaning it. She was upset she never got to see the infamous Diagon Alley. She would have hoped to run into her classmates. Thought, she didn't know anyone. She did have some friends, just not any that were starting at Hogwarts. Most were the tutors and scholars that her mother kept on hand. She wasn't sure if they counted as friends since her mother paid them.
    Philip helped load her trunk and led her up onto the train, leaving her in a cabin on her own. The awe began to wear off and Diana began to feel the nerves that adrenaline had covered up. She didn't know anyone. She knew a lot of things, but not anyone who was starting Hogwarts with her.
    She sat next to the window and watched as a man with dark hair hugged his two sons goodbye, a red-headed girl standing with her hand on his shoulder. Several more families were nearby. All of the kids and parents seemed to be friends, laughing together as they got on the train. Suddenly Diana felt a jealousy so strong it knocked the breath from her. She had never had that. She wanted that. But growing up as the only child of Hermione Granger was not a role that made many friends. Not many real friends anyway. As soon as their parents got what they wanted from her mum, the play dates ended.
    She watched as the group of kids walked by her empty carriage. One of them looked in. His eyes went wide and he ran to a taller, dark-haired boy and tugged on his robes, whispering something in his ear. The tall boy glanced up and her and they locked eyes. She watched as shock and disgust washed over his face. Then he quickly turned and led the other kids to another carriage where several more kids greeted them.

As the train began to pull away, a boy who looked about her age knocked on her compartment. He had shockingly blonde hair.
    "Excuse me," he said timidly. "Are you waiting for someone?"
    "Not at all!" Diana responded, excited that she might not have to spend the whole ride alone, reading her old copy of Hogwarts: A History.
    "I'm Diana Granger, and you are?
    "Scorpius Malfoy." He was a little louder this time. "First year?"
    "Same." He paused and looked at her as if not sure whether to say more. "Truthfully I'm not sure if I'm excited or scared of Hogwarts. My family portraits won't exactly be hanging on the walls."
    Diana thought about this. "Makes sense considering your father." She looked at him, considering. "I'm also a bit nervous," she admitted.
    "Makes sense considering your mother."
    She glanced up at him, expecting something cruel. But instead she found a wary laughter in his eyes, like he was gauging her too. She smirked at him.
    "Well, at least we can look forward to having the whole compartment to ourselves," she laughed and looked out the window. "No one's going to sit with a Malfoy and a Granger." When she looked back at Scorpius, he was laughing too.

    They spent the rest of the train ride swapping stories. Scorpius knew what it was like to grow up as the only child with a last name that came with a legacy from a life he didn't live. The end of a bloodline that would be written about in history books. That they would likely study in class. Before she knew it, they were climbing in the group of lantern-lit boats, then walking up the stairs to the great hall.

    "Alright student, gather round." A tall, lanky man stood in front of two massive wooden doors. Beyond those you could hear the dull roar of voices. "I am Professor Longbottom, Herbology Professor here at Hogwarts." No one laughed at his last name. A few muggle-borns looked like they might have chuckled, but one look at the faces around them stopped the urge. It was awe, and maybe a little bit of fear. This was the man who killed Nagini, who lead Dumbledore's Army. This was Neville Longbottom.
    "Now wait here, I'll be back to walk you in for the Sorting Ceremony in a moment. For those who don't know, that's when you'll be sorted into your houses here at Hogwarts. There are four: Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin." He walked into the hall, giving just a peek into the warmly lit hall with four tables full of students wearing black robes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2020 ⏰

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