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Nora's P

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Nora's P.O.V

I was bleeding. He stabbed me on my thigh and then put a bandage on it, and keep on repeating. I scream in pain but there was no one who could help me.

"I had to kill your mother too because she suspected me, she was screaming your name and begging for me to stop" said Steven. He is a sick bastard, how could he do that? Hating someone and killing them is totally different. I will kill Steven, I don't care about being a murderer anymore. I will take blood on my hand but I will finish him.

"If you think Cooper's are the good guy then don't because they also killed people, you have to be the bad guy Nora to survive in this world" he said. At least the Cooper's didn't hurt me. You don't need to be the bad guy to survive, sometimes people can survive with a good heart. killing others to save yourself is not the way out.

"What is the little pig doing? Is she hungry or angry?" I heard a female voice. My gaze turn towards her. I was kinda shocked, it was Anna. What is she doing here? She had a devious smile on her face. She is working with Steven? But why?

"You look confused, let me explain. Yes I am working with Steven, though I should work with Elijah, right?" Said Anna. I think yes? She should work with Elijah, they are friends and family afterall. Is she betraying him? My anger grew on her.

"Why would you do that? He gave you so much, he cared for you" I said. I was hella angry on her. She is such an ungrateful bitch.

"Do you know why he cared for me? Because it was his parents who killed my family, they kill them and adopted me to show the world how good people they are, Elijah pity me" she said. My eyes widen, what? 
It's not true. I don't believe her, how can she be sure?

"You are lying to me" I said. She started laughing.

"My parents had the capabilities to challenge their company so they kill them, I was waiting for a moment to destroy their life" said Anna. They have a very good reputation, someone will suspect them. That's not possible. Why would no one talk about this? They cannot hide this so easily.

"Steven, torture the pig, I don't think she will get anything to eat today" she said and left. Steven smirks and kept on with his work.

Time Skips (after 3 hours) 

I was screaming in pain. My body was not able to take it anymore. I wanted to die. He tightened the rope around my wrists and then put a gag in my mouth so I couldn't speak.

"Maybe I should use this, looks fun to me" said Steven. He took out a syringe. Is he going to drugged me? No no please, I shake my head but he didn't care. I only got some water but nothing to eat. I am sure, soon I will be dead. Then suddenly I heard gunshots from far away distance. I stare at Steven, he looked nervous. Steven took his phone and started typing something. He was trying to make a phone call but I think no one was picking it up.

"Where is everyone?" He said and started murmuring something. What is going on? I was feeling tired, maybe because of the drug that he gave me. No, I have to keep my eyes open, I cannot sleep.

"Playtime is over" said Steven. He started to untie my ropes. What happened suddenly? He looked scared. Did someone destroyed his plan? I smirk. I think I know who came to save me. Suddenly the door swing open and it was none other than Elijah Cooper. I was never been this happy to see him before, I wanted to cry tears of happiness. He came to save me? I wanted to run towards him and hug him tight. Steven forcefully made me stand and put a arm around my neck and with his other hand, he was holding a gun on my head. My legs were trembling and shaking, I felt like I would faint.

"Let her go Steven, she had nothing to do with this" said Elijah.

"If she had nothing to do then why do you care? Let me kill her" said Steven.

"You cannot leave, if you kill her, I will kill you" said Elijah. I was weak to do anything.

"You think so" said Steven. I wanted to  tell Elijah about Anna but my mouth was covered. I could only mumble. Anna was standing behind Elijah, with a gun pointing towards him.

"Big mistake to come alone, always tries to prove that you are the best, isn't it Elijah? Put the gun down" said Anna. Elijah froze, I think he couldn't believe that Anna would betray him. Elijah slowly put the gun down.

"So you were the mole. Why Anna? After everything I have done for you" said Elijah. He looked hurt.

"Stop acting, you knew what happened to my family but you never  felt bad or went against your parents" said Anna with hatred in her tone.

"It was an accident, you know nothing" said Elijah.

"So that's how you cover it up by saying it's an accident" said Anna.

"I want you to feel the same, Nora will die in front of your eyes and you will not be able to do anything" she said. Steven's arm became tighter around my neck.

"You want me, kill me but leave her" said Elijah. My eyes widen, he is sacrificing himself to save me. I closed my eyes, I think they want to kill us both and Elijah walk right into their trap.

"That's not possible" said Anna. Then, I heard a gunshot. I thought I am dead but I was alive. My heart started beating faster. Who died? I was scared. I open my eyes and saw Ben with a gun. He killed Steven? He killed his father.
"Should have done that long time ago" said Ben.

Elijah was pointing his gun towards Anna. "How could you do this? Would you kill me now?" Asked Anna. I heard noises outside.

"No, your place is at the prison" said Elijah. I saw Elian and some police officers. They handcuffed Anna, she was screaming and swearing. Elijah came towards me and untie me.

"You okay?" That was the last thing I heard before I became unconscious. But I knew that I am safe now.

Hello guys, thank you for reading this book. I never expected so many people to like it.
The next chapter will be the last chapter of this book so thank you for staying with me in this wholesome journey. I am really grateful to all of you. (。♡‿♡。)

Love ya. (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

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