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"maddies & farah ❤️"

madison bailey
y'all wanna go out clubbing tonight??

farah townes

is that even a question?!!!! 

madelyn cline

madison bailey
ugh i knew you guys would say yes ☺️

this is why you two are my favorites

farah townes
yay i'm a favorite🥰🥰🥰

madison bailey
don't tell toot tho

madelyn cline


where are we going

madison bailey
don't know yet but what i do know is you guys are coming to mine to pregame at 10

farah townes
oh perfect

just enough time to shower and get ready 😚

madelyn cline
it takes you three hours to get ready???

farah townes
listen i can't look this good 24/7 it takes some time and effort

and also procrastination yassssss

madelyn cline
oh yeah true true

madison bailey
didn't you keep your makeup on from set? j wear that again

farah townes
gross no that shit is caked on. i took it off and will be applying no foundation thank you very much 🙄🙄

also i don't want all that gliding off with my sweat that's nasty asf

madison bailey
you're right babe

farah townes
are you asking anyone else??

madison bailey
no probs not

i want a girls night i've been surrounded by boys all day 😖

madelyn cline

farah townes
that's all i needed to hear 🥳🥳

girls night it is. see you all at 10 ;)

Farah sighed and put her phone down on the bathroom counter. she had just gotten out of the shower, which was perfect timing on her part. Madison was notorious for having horrible timing with a lot of things, so Farah was grateful for this rare occasion.

daydreaming about how her night could go, she began humming quietly as she dried herself off. she applied her lotion and other various skin care and hair care treatments before beginning to search for her clothes. she lifted countless items trying to remember where she put them, but they didn't turn up.

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