Part 1

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She didn't believe it, at least she didn't want to. Why should she when it came in the worst way possible.

It was just another normal day in the lee house, lee Felix was outside doing his normal gardening every weekend, when he saw a moving truck pull up in front of the driveway of the next-door house, inside he was quite excited because it meant new friends but he was also quite nervous.

He went inside and told his mum about the new neighbors, knowing that she was probably going to make them her famous apple pie.

Later that day his mum made him and his two sisters greet them with the apple pie. That all walked in a straight line all a little nervous, he knocked on the door and waited a long few seconds, eventually, a girl opened the door and she ran straight past them with her head down, she looked like she just had a fight with her father by the way he fathers arms were crossed and the girl looked like she was crying.

He felt something stuck in his throat like a ball or something but he couldn't get it out, he just swallowed it down and gave them to the new neighbor and welcomed them to the neighborhood.

he decided it would be a good idea to go find the new girl and introduced himself, as she was new and never been in the era before, she could get lost.

So he went looking for her, he was looking and looking and looking but he couldn't find her anywhere.

Then it hit him, an apple.

He looked up and saw the girl in a tree with another apple in her hand. He backed up a bit and called "hey, I was just wondering if you maybe wanted some company"? She just shook her head and brought up her hand with an apple in it, he kind of hid himself behind his hands but after seconds of not feeling anything hit him, he looked back up and saw her eating the apple. "You should have eaten that," he said. She then looked at the apple, looked at him then the apple again.

There was a worm, and she had eaten half of it, she spat it out and did another double-take with the look of absolute disgust.

After sitting there on the grass for what seemed like hours she finally calmed down and came down from the apple tree, she introduced herself " hi my names Montana" and she walked away with an attitude.

He followed her home just to make sure she got there safely.

He waved at her when she arrived home but he didn't even get a second glance. He smiled to himself feeling the thing stuck in his throat again.

He rushed back home and went upstairs and ran to the bathroom,......


Part 2 coming soon, feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments

Love you, stay safe, and stay hydrated. UwU  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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