What am i

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Tomikas POV
Oh god we just kissed
T: later..buddy
We tried to leave it got awkward I ran home but on the way I saw this girl she was hot wait no I don't think a girls hot wait no it's just a small phase not even that I bet things are just running through my mind right now god I hated that kiss
I was writing my turn paper on shakespear I can't get that girl out of my mind what's wrong with me and why am I so attracted to her zack came up nervously I panicked and got my head gear on
Z: what's that
T: oh this
After a few minutes he started to use breath spray I ran out and ran into esme
T: esme help
E: your social life is down the drain with-
T: no come with me
I dragged her to the roof I locked it and made sure no one was there
E: umm
T: ok so the other day me and zack accidentally kissed
E: omg
T: no it's just there was this girl and how do I explain
E: your gay
T: how
E: im bysexual bitch
I straightened up didn't expect her to say that
E: look your gonna do something called expirementing and it just so happens I have a cousin who's doing the same thing so you can try it with each other
T: I'll give it a shot
I was skeptical
I went on the date I have NEVER been more turned on
?: it's weird that I feel something
T: same it's so-
?: unnatural
T: exactly but I'm not nervous like I thought I'd be i mean like I don't like you like you
?: oh no mean either but I've never been more attracted to someone it feels like my first date with a guy I didn't like him
T: but you felt something right
?: right
T: so we don't like each other
?: but this proves we like females
T: I'm gonna go out with a boy and I feel the same thing it means this is just a phase
?: same wanna play video games at my house
T: duh
We laughed
?: holy shit who's that
We saw the girl from yesterday
T: saw her yesterday
?: lucky bitch
We took a picture and went to her house
Me and zack are ok now after the song the silent alarm rang
S: places
We sat down and esme came in
E: so how'd it-
T: shut up
E: right sorry
F: huh
T: it's a girl thing
F: forget I asked
E: come with me
We went to the recording studio yes she knows about the band
E: so?
T: I had never been more turned on
T: I think I need a date with a guy to confirm it's not a phase
E: my brother
T: no it's gonna be awkward
E: your doing it now shut up
T: but he's not gonna like a lesbo
E: won't need to btw his name is Justin
After an hour we met him outside she smirked and left
T: this is awkward and I feel extremely sorry for you
J: she's made me do this before
We laughed and left I honestly felt nothing in the date
T: wow it's not a phase
J: to bad you were hot
T: wow your pick up lines are so good
J: you like me
T: yes I do you make me wanna forget my feelings and ditch the clothes
J: knew it
We laughed and I left I looked at the picture of the girl again and sighed I deleted it R.I.P I went home and got on my room I screamed in my pillow and my brother Austin came in
A: sis you good
T: I'm a fucking lesbian what do you think
T: I thought it was a phase so I went on a date with a girl and I don't think I've ever wanted to kiss someone so bad then I went on a date with a guy and I felt absolutely nothing
A: sorry sis but it's not a choice it's how you are
T: I guess I'm glad I found out now
A: love ya
T: love ya to
He closed the door I sighed what am I gonna do

A complicated love story- sumika one shots Where stories live. Discover now