I miss you

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Karma was walking aimlessly around the city. With no place in mind, he realized that he arrived at Nagisa's street. Shit, he thought. Here I am again. He smiled sadly, Nagisa I miss you.

It's been two months and three days since he and Nagisa broke up. Honestly, it was just a petty fight, a disagreement that lead to their break up. Jealousy. It's more than meets the eye. Not just simple jealousy like when your crush likes someone else. Or when your parents favoured your other sibling instead of you. No. Karma got jealous of Nagisa and Kayano's friendship. You may think why would he be jealous? He has Nagisa, but admittedly when you're jealous all logical thinking flows out of the window.

Now, he regretted everything that happened. They say that time will take away the pain. That time, will heal all wounds and that he will be able to find someone new. Someone better, but what if he doesn't want someone new? What if, what he wanted was still the same person that he let go?

He returned to his house, as he opened the door he saw a glimpse of blue hair waiting for him on the living room. "Welcome home, Karma." Nagisa smiled warmly at him. The living room was well lighted, giving a soft and warm ambiance of a house, a home to return to. A place to belong, where he will always be welcomed.

"Nagi-" he began but when he entered, Nagisa disappeared. Leaving him all alone in the quiet, cold and dark house. Oh, that’s right they were no longer together. Karma hung his head, his bangs covering his eyes. With a sighed, he went to his room to change his clothes, in the corner of the room he saw the big blue teddy bear he was supposed to give to Nagisa as an anniversary gift.

He tore away  his eyes on the bear and went to his closet to change clothes and lie on the bed. He turned his body to his right and saw a picture frame of him and Nagisa smiling while inside the Ferris wheel.  He took the picture frame from the nightstand, and stared at it with deep longing. He remembered that they went to an amusement park, funny that when they entered; they are friends and exited as lovers. He knew that the both of them enjoyed that day, it was tiring yeah, but it was fun. It was worth it. It was fulfilling since he get to see the smiles of Nagisa and hear his adorable laughs.

He began to reminisce their happy moments when they were still together, their first date that followed by a second and a third until they can no longer count their dates in their three years of being together.  Karma realized that he’d rather feel physical pain than this heartache. This heartache that was killing him inside from all the regrets that he made to his former lover.

“Why did I let you go Nagisa?” He always asked himself. “You were so good to me, but I took you for granted. If I could turn back the time, back when you were mine. I swear I’d do everything right.” He said to no one and sighed heavily.

He placed the frame beside him when his phone chirped indicating a notification. After checking his phone, he stood up  and went to the kitchen to prepare for his dinner. He used to see Nagisa preparing their dinner, mouth watering aroma fills the kitchen with his good cooking skills. He miss him so goddamn much. After making his food, he went to the dining area and noticed how lonely and cold it was. When he looked at his food he almost lost appetite, Nagisa used to share stories with him while they were eating. It was lively. Now it's gone, and it's all his damn fault.

After he ate, he washed the dishes and went to his room to do some work. He fetched his phone from the bed and went to his study table where his laptop was placed. He opened his laptop, and while it boot up, he checked the message he received from Nakamura about Nagisa.

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