How they met

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As you were walking down the street you felt something but into you. It felt... weird, as if it wasn't human. "Get out of my way" you heard, "O-oh sorry about that" you move out her way thinking "Hm, that was strange." You then see police officers as well as a priest. The priest comes up to you and ask, "Have you seen a little red head girl approximately 39 inches tall?" You then remember, "Uh yeah she went that way" you point to the direction she went. "Thank you, may god bless you." the priest says, you then start walking to your house which is just a few blocks away. You get home and put down the groceries you bought. You then hear something in the back yard, you stay still "It was probably my imagination haha," there isn't any cats around this area so it couldn't have been a cat. You stay still to see if you can hear it again. "Haha I guess it was my imagination." you walk to the living and you see something you would've never expected to be there. It was the short red head. "H-how did you get in here?!" you ask frightened. "Through the back door of course." she replies, "It was easy honestly, you really need to fix your lock," she says. You're still speechless "Anyways, i'm gonna stay here for awhile," she says "w-what? who said that," you say, she answers with, "if you don't let me stay it wont be pretty." she says with a serious face "O-ok.." you say.


                       That's it for now, I need ideas so please give me some for the next chapter Nothing belongs to me besides the story.

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