Chapter One

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Theon sat across from Naena, aware that they had only known each other a few months. Three and a half months together, to be exact. Half a month apart.

During their time together, their relationship changed quickly, evolved quickly. That evolution was on Naena's terms. Or, at least, as far as Theon was concerned, the evolution was on Naena's terms.

Yet he sat across from his pupil, confused.

He thought he understood where their relationship stood. He knew certain things were expected from him in that sort of relationship. Qual had even helpfully pointed out that Theon's position with Naena was not 'simple' so much as very complicated.

The girl saw Theon as neither a teacher nor an authority figure so much as a friend and accomplice. Perhaps even as a replacement for the male figures who should have supported her at that time in her life.

Qual had tried to talk Theon into something fluffy or silken in nature. The sort of thing a father might buy his daughter. Theon chose a much more practical route.

"It's called a present," he said firmly.

"Why do I want it?"

She was practically pouting, something Theon had yet to see in the student. Naena did not pout, she glowered, cried, cursed and swore, but only for a few minutes, then she settled right in and got on with things.

He knew he struck a nerve with her. As they had very similar backgrounds, Theon didn't spend long thinking about why Naena was upset with him.

She had felt abandoned over his leaving her for winter break.

"Because I reported as my sword commanded, Naena," Theon protested.

"You never have before!" she shouted back at him.

The pair of them stared at one another, and she shifted, taking in a little breath as her features fell. She appeared to realize what she had said. Her attention turned to the side as she paled quite considerably.

Theon studied her and knew it was a struggle. Between the healer in her and the young, damaged woman that she was. He let out his little breath and leaned forward, pushing the package closer to her.

"What is of and is always shall be," he murmured.

"What?" she asked, sounding confused.

"Oh, great, you are actually paying attention," Theon said with a little smile. "Yes, I chose to return to the estate, but I do not, as far as I am aware, have the right to invite you with me. Once I take possession of the cottage, then, yes, I will. And you better be prepared to pack, girl, because whether you agree or not, you are coming with me. Mahogany furniture?"

"It's a fancy wood," she protested.

"It's an ugly wood, and it took me two months to convince them not to supply it. I do like the curtains, however. Clever of you to ask for blues in such a manner. Cagn blue on my flooring."

"Oh, so you saw it?" she said. "You visited it?"

"Goodness no, but I was presented with swatches," he said.

Before a long, awkward silence hung between them. Theon was aware that Naena was hurting, and she felt abandoned. He felt that agony and understood she had a problem with abandonment.

Her mother had abandoned her. Her father abandoned both of them before her birth.

He sighed at that thought.

"It is, apparently, tradition to give gifts to loved ones upon the winter holiday. We were not together, and so I bring it to you now."

Naena looked away suddenly. Theon knew what was coming, but he said the words anyhow.

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