The story of the beginning

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Hello all! I'm Joshua Smith and I will tell my story. My dreams that became true and everything you want to know about my life. This more or less a love story about how I met my wife and what I did to find her. Nothing more than travel and how I kept my promise for the love of my life. This will be a quite long story and a lot to describe of everything I saw. 

Everything started in  July 21st 1989. Then, I was 5 years old. I was living in a calm neighborhood full of parks and full of children back then. A family moved in the neighborhood , two houses away from where I lived. My mom and I, that day, went to their door with a sweet apple pie to welcome our new neighbors. They happily accepted the gift and then they presented me their daughter. A girl, younger than me with a year. She was 4 years old, but I still remember her face, her hair, her eyes and all the clothes that she was wearing. She was astonishing since then. And after I met her again she was wonderful. She was the definition of beauty. And now she still is. 

When I met her, she had a beautiful blond long hair, kept in two beautiful tails. Her eyes were like the sea, a natural blue with sprinkles of green near the pupil. Her cheeks were red and and all of her face was full of freckles.  I love freckles. She was dressed up  with an overall and under that she had a beautiful pink T-shirt. She was so beautiful. She was my gorgeous. We played every day since then. Every step that I could take, she was there with me. We were best friends and more. But then, we didn't know about love. Or do we?   

One day, after 5 years together we were getting back home from school. I went with this girl, her name is Mariette, to get  her home. When I arrived with her on her lawn, her father got out from the house in military clothes and than he told us :

- This is your last day together. Please make it count. Tomorrow we move out. I got a job abroad and I need to take you with me. 

We were exhausted by what her father said and that day we stood till 3 AM together. But we were obliged to take different ways. I was destroyed by her moving out and by her leaving. That thing made me to hate everything and everyone, for no reason. I wanted to be left alone. Before she left, she gave me her new address if sometimes I want to go to her. I was a good student, a friendly person, full of joy and full of happiness. But , after she left, I became a monster. Or a quiet kid with no friends, I kept my good grades and I was that emo guy till I finished the high school.

Overall I just made myself no one. I just wanted to disappear. No one wanted to talk to me for a long long time. No one wanted to be my friend and me theirs. I was all alone. So that made me tough. The love I kept in my heart for Marriette made me a monster after SHE left. It was bad for me.... and it kept going. After a while, my mom and dad died in a car accident and I was destroyed by the pain. That made me keep going and putting me aside of my family who, my aunt Marian and my two cousins Harry and Carol made me partly whole again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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