BEING RUBY NAOKO is practically a full-time hobby. For one, she's a big advocate for record players and cats. Like, a big advocate . . .And! She's in love!!!! . . . with glitter, the smell of sugar cookies, ABBA, and with love itself, of course. Ruby's got this unique affinity for matchmaking the students of Hogwarts — something that's earned her quite the love doctor reputation, along with being the most positively happy person to walk the grey halls of the magical school.
Sure, Ruby's got a few problems — maybe more than a few — but she's got a handle on things! ( At least she hopes so. ) She hopes the problems of the past that she's so carefully stashed away stay hidden, and the worries of the Triwizard Tournament don't completely screw everything up. She hopes her family, the ones that've been stashed away from her like a dangerous secret, don't come back, however horrible it may sound. And most importantly, she definitely hopes she can pass Herbology.
It's a damn tragedy that life isn't all daisies and rainbows . . .