Ch 1: the meeting

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Y/c: your country nation thingy
Underline is replacement for italics
Hey, I'm the technical representational personification thingy... let me put it simply hi I'm the ehhh of __________(pick a nation that is isn't takin or cannon in the sires or manga pls (also Greenland is cannon he showed up in some merch)) so i parked, and walked to the world meeting building and did what i did whenever we had these dumb meetings and that was, ran into Moldova pick him up and gave him a hug because he's just adorable i-mean would ya not give this picture up top a hug.but before i could go in i saw a closed-door so i did the logical thing: i eavesdropped- oh sorry i forgot to tell ya dis I'm friends with japan and Estonia and only in a platonic way so DON'T SHIP US pleas and what i like to call our trio: the memetrio since japan-well he's japan so anime memes. And Estonia- 1 he has a blog 2 I believe I've seen him troll people on tumbler so yeahh, and what i heard was something along the lines of Russia yelling or scolding 3 nations I don't know which tho but still the meeting was gonna start in around 10 mins or so. So i scoped out the seats and saw that there was an open seat next to uhh Iceland i think yeah Iceland Greenland has darker blond hair then him and i mean there are sooo many blonds i cant tell them apart *note the sarcasm * and i just bugged him until he said "can ya not.also how is there an open space hea-oh never mind" to that i just said "he can speak" and at that he started to silently laugh and i took this chance to text japan
Y/c: so uhh he spoke what do i do now
Jap: uhh give him HK's number and we wait
Y/c: got it... wait i need is his number
Jap: hear its (bla bllab balabla)
Y/c: can ya chuck me a piece of paper... and a pen pls
Jap: why is this so difficult for ya y/c... also at you're head
He typed as he rummaged through his pockets and chucked a paper wad at me ah a gulf pencil how nice annnd no eraser and just texted: ow why my head of all things MY HEAD now i think the meetings starting soon soo bai~
And put my phone back in my back pocket after i took it out again and writing hong kongs number down and facepalming. Now ya might be wondering: how y/c did ya not cause a scene... heh well uhh ya see America and Russia are fighting Canada is internally screaming the micronations are under the table Greece is sleeping France and Brittan are fighting Romania is cracking up at the chaos even tho im near em i have no fucking idea what the Nordics are doing south Korea is being an ass china is trying to not blow a gasket all the African countries are staying as far away from France and England as possible japan is selling manga or some shit Estonia is probably on tumbler Latvia is sitting on Canada Lithuania is trying not to have a panic attack Prussia Irland N.Irland and Scotland are probably drunk Spain is bugging romano Italy is complaining because there'ss no food
Seychelles and the other island nation thingys are trying to stop Columbia Turkey Jamaica and Netherlands from getting to high and its going to thats how.and then something I wasn't expecting AT ALL Happend Germany got up sick of this shit slammed his fist down on the table and said "WILL EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP" dusted off his jacket and grabbed Italy and then left,. probably for food and then,. wait what braking news: Belarus is up and out the door dragging a Germany who is dragging an Italy beibehind him is being dragged behind her and then she said "sit fix the chaos. I'm going back to whair I was sitting and possibly bugging Poland.fix this shit" and walked off so I took that as a chance to Wright hongkong number down and wrote "call me~"-HK dam golf pencil making my hand hurt wadded it up and handed it to Japan and picked up a manga from his stand so I could get a good look at what he was selling saw it handed la wad to Japan and said "dude do ya sell this shit at every meeting" pointed at the cover of r18 something or other and squinted my eyes at him and continued my sentence "give it to target 1 *referring to HK* and say something along the lines of: hey um Hong Kong can ya give Iceland this I think he dropped it.or option 2 is I walk behind him and put it in his pocket after the meeting" he staird at me blankly
dear lord I could hear the gears in his head turning looked down and looked up again rolled his eyes and said "y/c I'll uh I'll walk next to target 1 after the meeting trip target 2 plant it in with the rest of his stuff because I know target 1 will wanna help him grab is spilt things well thing it's the only thing that'll "fall" and I'll run off leaving no trace *glanced to his shit then at the exit then Estonia then me and nodded* and I responded " yeah thatll work uggh how long do we have left in the meeting grate he's lost in thought again" snapping in front of his face a few times did the trick and I left looking at the clock on the way out. damit 35 minutes left welp the computer lab is on the opeset end of the door I'll read until it's over this is gonna be a long day

~¤~☆~¤~☆~Ch end~¤~☆~¤~☆~
I'll update in a week v out

a nation to be reckoned with (a hetalia× reader (no romantic. subplot))Where stories live. Discover now