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"where is she?!" Madison called out as she marched into Farah, Drew, and Austin's apartment, not caring who was home and who wasn't. Austin, who was still asleep on the couch from the night before, woke up startled and nearly jumped out of his skin.

"what? who's there?!" Austin gasped. he shot upright and frantically looked around the room. Madison stormed right past him and up to Farah's door, rapping her knuckles against the wood quickly before swinging the door open.

Madison barged into the room, flipping the light on and slamming the door shut. Farah was still fast asleep under her covers but was woken up by Petunia's inevitable barking. she jumped up, peeling her eyes open to see who had walked in. when she saw Madison standing there with her arms crossed, she groaned and put her head back down with a soft thud.

"so let me get this straight...you leave the club, don't answer your phone, and you're just not gonna say anything to me?" Madison questioned, lifting her eyebrows expectantly. Farah shook her head, not having the energy to give a verbal response just yet. her friend sighed and walked closer to the bed.

"at least debrief me on what happened with that guy! he was so cute. please tell me you hooked up with him? or at least got his number?" Madison pried, feeling hopeful that her friend was successful the night before.

when Farah shook her head no, almost defeatedly, Madison threw hers back and groaned disappointedly. Farah furrowed her eyebrows, a pang of hurt and guilt hitting her all at once. she couldn't help the tears that began to form in her eyes as she thought about what happened. she was embarrassed, to say the least, and Madison wasn't making the situation any better.

"why nottttt?" Madison whined, continuing to press on. she didn't look to Farah at first, but when she did, she was quick to notice that her friend was close to tears. her expression softened instantly. "Fay, what happened? did he hurt you?" her quick transition from childish behavior to mother-like behavior made Farah's heart swell with acceptance.

without saying another word, Madison kicked off her shoes and climbed onto Farah's bed, not hesitating to wrap her arms tightly around her shoulders. Farah paused for a moment before wrapping her arms loosely around Madison and letting the tears fall freely. Madison let her cry it out for a few minutes then decided when would be the best time to bring it back up. when Farah seemed like she was starting to calm down, Madison took that as her opportunity to ask.

"you wanna talk about what happened?" the woman asked, gently rubbing Farah's upper arms with her hands to try and soothe her. Farah nodded her head and forced herself away from Madison. she sat upright in her bed before violently wiping the tears from under her eyes.

"i genuinely don't know if this is gonna end up being serious or not but," Farah took in a deep breath. "he grabbed my ass, then he shoved me when i told him i didn't like that. so, i punched him in the face." Farah said sheepishly, avoiding eye contact with her friend.

Madison gasped loudly, her eyes widening in shock. she instantly covered her mouth with her hands. "shit. i'm sorry." Madison kept her hands over her mouth for a few seconds longer before she started laughing. "i'm so fucking sorry. i shouldn't- i shouldn't be laughing but, you are just...full of surprises dude. that's actually crazy."

finally dropping her hands, Madison wiped the smile off of her face in a split second.

"uh, it's okay" Farah chuckled. "but...uh, yeah. they kicked me out and let him stay. they called the cops on me, i think. when the bouncer kicked me out he said that i better hope that dude doesn't press charges. i just don't know what to do." she muttered, rubbing her hands down her face tiredly.

Madison raised her eyebrows in shock, then crinkled her face in disgust. "of course they did" she spat. "fucking pigs, bro. i'm so sorry that happened Farah. if he presses charges, then i'll literally kill-"

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