Here we go again

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It was a normal day, the sun was shining and it was in the middle of summer. A group of friends who talked to each other everyday via social media and popular gaming platform Discord constantly discussed how fun it would be to spend the summer together. One of them had just moved, and three of them lived in different states. Although, this year... They decided that this summer would be different. Everyone had received an invitation to a popular deserted island that you could only visit if you registered months, even years in advanced. They all wondered who sent the invitation but couldn't contain their excitement. They let their parents know, packed their bags, and began making their way there. They all received a theme for clothing wear as well as different titles. Upon making their way there, Khalil gained a headache. "Ugh..." He grumbled before getting a weird sensation. "Deja vu?" He said quietly to himself he could've sworn something like this happened before. 10 friends, weird invitations, titles? Where could all of this had happen befor--



Malik: "WHAT?! NO!"

'Thats right..' Khalil thought to himself

Malik: "Who-who voted for me?"

'The voting..'


'The betrayals..'

Suddenly all of the bosses who and died before came back to life and grabbed Malik

'The monsters..'

Malik: "AHHHHHH!"

They shoved Malik into a hole that was pre dug and started to pile dirt on top of him. The dirt got in his mouth, nose, eyes....until his screams faded...

'The deaths..'

"We're here!" Khalil's dad announced. Khalil stepped off the plane and saw his friends their in their respective attire. Khalil looked around and dropped to his knees.
"Not again.."
"Huh?" One of them answered
"NOT AGAIN!!!" Khalil yelled. He turned around to try and leave but his dad and the plane had already left.
Khalil passed out.

Later on Khalil woke up in a hut on a comfy chair. Michael was next to him.

Michael: "Hey, are you alright?"

Michael- The Lifeguard

Khalil: "Yes..I am...Wait NO! I'm not okay!"

Khalil- The Freelance Writer

Khalil: "We need to get out of here!"
Khalil sat up from the chair and walked out of the hut. He looked around at the beach in front of him before turning back towards Michael. "Where are the others?" He asks

Michael: "They went off to look around the island. We found a map and a chest buried under the sand. Ricardo said 'X marks the spot' and began digging."

Khalil: "....What was in it..?"

Michael: "Oh yeah!"
Michael dug in his pocket and pulled out 10 cards and handed them to Khalil. There was one for each person here. Including himself.
Khalil took them and looked through them in shock.

Khalil: "Oh, they give it to us straight up this time."
Khalil began to walk around to find the others.

Michael: "So..uh..tell me why we have to leave again?"

Khalil was going to tell him straight forward but he held his tongue. Worried about what could happen to him. He was able to dodge the question with finding Comatose digging in the sand.

Khalil: "Comatose!"
Comatose pulled a sheet of paper out from under the sand before turning to look at the two.

Comatose: "Hey, what's up?"

Comatose- The Golf Caddy

Michael: "What did you find?"
Comatose looked at the paper and read it before looking at Michael again.

Comatose: "Chec.."

Michael: "Chec..?"

Khalil: "We don't have time for this! Comatose, we have to leave this island."
Comatose looked over at Khalil who already seemed visibly shaken up.

Comatose: ""

Khalil: "I don't want to stick around and find out the alternative let's just try"

Michael: "Maybe the paper has something to do with it."
The three crowded around Comatose who had the paper in hand and it looked like it was torn.

Comatose: "Maybe there are other pieces around. The rest of the group is together I just went off to look aroun--"

Prince: "Hey! Guys!"
Prince ran up to the three

Prince: "Oh! Khalil's awake. Are you alright?"

Khalil: "Could be way better...Also, I thought you were with the others."

Prince: "I was but I wanted to stay with Comatose and I found this piece of paper along the way. It was sticking out of the sand a bit."

Prince- The Gardener

Comatose: "Well that's good because I have another piece."
Comatose presented his piece of paper but Prince and Comatose's pieces didn't match.

Michael: "Oh..well...What does yours say Prince?"

Prince: "Mine says 'for the'"

Michael: "For the what?"

Prince: "That's all it says."

Khalil: "Well let's find the others. Maybe they have the rest of them"

The group begins to walk down the edge of the beach to look for the others before suddenly it begins to get cloudy. Though before anyone could realize it, it was dark and a large boat could be seen in the distance of the water.

Khalil: "Who is that?"

Prince: "I dunno..."

?: "YOU GUYS! PREPARE FOR THE MOST FUN..We've had in a while."

Suddenly a loud bang could be heard as it crashed upon the beach side and multiple guys come running out of the ship. They begin to shoot around us.

Comatose: "RUN!"

The four of them begin to scatter to get away. Michael and Khalil get captured by 2 of them as Prince and Comatose hide out. They manage to find a nearby hut to hide in as the other men go around the island.

Prince: "Who was that?!"

?: "Shh keep your voice down."

Prince and Comatose look nervously behind them and find Jelly.

Comatose: "Jelly!"

Jelly: "SHHH..."
A guy walks past the hut

Jelly- The Camp Counselor

Jelly: "Who are those people..?"

Comatose: "We're as clueless as you are. They just showed up out of nowhere.."

Jelly: "Well I found a piece of paper--"

Prince: "Give it."
Prince took the paper and theirs and Jelly's fit.

Comatose and Jelly surround Prince as Comatose added their paper

Comatose: "chec for the lounge"

Jelly: "Check for the lounge!"

Prince: "Jelly! Shh!"
Suddenly the hut swigs open and one of the guys look at the three. They all scramble to try and get out but Comatose ends up being captured.

Comatose: "Find the lounge you guy--"
Comatose ends up fading away like Michael and Khalil did as the other two run around the island. As they run they find the others all huddled around a door. They were all okay until Prince and Jelly comes running towards them bringing and crowd of guys with them. They go towards the door and shakes it.

Jelly: "Maybe this is it!"

Riley: "Maybe this is what?!"

Riley- Tutor

Prince: "This might be the lounge!"

Ricardo: "Lounge?!"

Ricardo- Food Service Worker

Prince: "No time to explain now! Does anyone have a key on them?!"
Everyone begins frantically searching for any kind of pick or key. No one finds anything and the men are right behind them.

Aaron: "Whelp, we're doomed!"

Aaron- Retail Sales worker

Suddenly prince grabs their neck because they feel sick but then they feel a necklace around them. 'This could be a stretch but..' Prince thinks to themselves before pulling out a key that's attached to the end of the necklace and puts it in. It goes in and the door opens.

Jesus: "GO IN!"

Jesus- Computer Guru

The all fall into the lounge and William shut the door behind them and locks it.

William- Pet Sitter

The all sigh before Jelly screams again. The group turns around to find a women standing there behind a podium.

William: "Who are you?"

Joy: "My name is Joy, and you all are in great danger!"

Riley: "Danger?"

Joy: "Yes. I hate to break it to you but you all are trapped here for the night."

Prince: "H-huh..?"

Joy: "Yes. All of you are trapped here all night and you all will die by sunrise."

Aaron: "Sunrise?!

Joy: "Yes."

Ricardo: "You don't seem too scared about it. You're here too."

Joy: "I am a hologram designed to help you all."

Aaron: "I don't believe it."

Joy: "Would you like to come and find out?"

Aaron: "...No.."

Joy: "This island will explode at 5:30am and-"

William: "Explode?!"

Joy: "Yes. Explode. Except, there is a way. You all need to cleanse all the artifacts and put them into this wooden bucket and take them all to where you all landed on this island by sunrise."

Prince: "How do we cleanse artifacts?"

Jelly: "...and how do we get them?"

Joy: "You get the artifacts by beating all of the "monsters" that will appear on this island tonight. Once you defeat them, thy will be cleansed. But... you can only get the artifact through completing challenges that 2 or more people will participate in through voting your friends in. Also, one of you will die each time you participate in challenges."

Riley: "Die?"

Joy: "Yes, and the voting will be happening through the tarot cards you all have received. You will vote anonymously and I will shuffle the cards and pull randomly to make them each fair. Now, before we waste any more time. It's voting time. Three of your friends have been captured by the pirates outside and two of you will have to race to get over to where your friends are captured. Once you get there the loser will be captured and two of them will come out. Finally, the remaining two captured will battle it out and one of them will die. So please talk amongst yourselves and decide who to vote for."

The group looked around as their hearts sank with the sudden instructions. But they all sat down on a large circular couch to discuss who should be the ones to fight it out.

Prince: "I honestly think Jelly should be put in."

Ricardo: "Really?"

Jelly: "What?! Why me?!"

Prince:"I you ask me, you're the one who got Comatose captured. You miraculously showed up in the hut away from the rest of the group for who knows why, and you were loud inside the hut causing the pirate to come in and snatch Comatose!"

Jelly: "I didn't mean to be loud!"

Prince: "That still does't explain why you left the group and ran backwards towards where we agreed to stay together after the pirate attack"

Aaron: "Actually Prince you're suspicious too."
The group looked at Aaron.

Prince: "What? How?"

Aaron: "How did you end up with the key to the lounge and none of us have it? If you ask me, you're a traitor who knows more than we do."

Ricardo: "Yeah where did that key come from Prince?"

Prince: "My costume theme was Gardener! I though maybe I should bring a random key I have in my house to simulate opening a green house or something. It was part of my attire!"

Jelly: "So we're putting Prince in?"

Prince: "Jelly!"

Jelly: "What? You attacked me!"

Jesus: "Actually it sounds like we're putting you both in."

Jelly/Prince: "What?!"

Riley: "One for potentially being a mole, and the other for potentially purposely getting Comatose captured."

Joy: "Have we reached a conclusion?"

Aaron: "Yes we have."

Prince: "Wait! No! We haven't"

Nevertheless, just like that the group went up towards the podium and gave Joy each of their Jelly and Prince cards. With that, Joy shuffled the cards and pulled out the first one.

Joy: "The Camp Counselor"

Jelly: "No..nonono... I don't wanna die."
Joy pulled the second card

Joy: "The Gardener"

Prince: "If I come back, Aaron you will pay for this."

Prince and Jelly walked out of the lounge weary of the pirates around. The rest of the group stayed behind in the lounge waiting.

Once outside the leader that made the announcement in the beginning came up to the two of them and handed Jelly a note for Jelly to read out loud.

Jelly: "100 feet ahead you will find a shovel where 'X' marks the spot. From there you will find the treasure hidden beneath run back here to receive the password. Run back to the chest take out the deed and another 100 feet you will find where your friends are captured. Then two will randomly be selected and given to you good luck."

Prince and Jelly looked at each other with worried looks they didn't know when to go before a starting fire was shot and the two were off. The ran as fast as they could before getting to the hole. They were tied together but Prince actually being familiar with a little gardening shoveled faster than Jelly. They found a mini treasure chest and they back to the start. Prince was out of breath before getting their password. They stood there and caught their breath but Jelly was running back as well. With that, Prince held in their tired breaths and ran forwards to the box. After inserting the code they grabbed the deed and ran towards the covered cage where supposedly Khalil, Michael, and Comatose were captured. Jelly, just now getting to the box dropped to their knees. Jelly was grabbed from behind and was captured.
Suddenly, Khalil and Michael come out of the box.

Prince: "Wh....Comatose...?"

Pirate: "GO!"
The Pirate yelled. They all ran back to the lounge and busted open the door.

Jesus: "Guys?"
The group looked back at three three of them and gasped

Prince: "I'm back Aaron. Now, you're on my hit list."

Aaron: "I still think you're the traitor and since you won my thought hasn't gone away."

Prince: "You little..."

Khalil: "Guys! Stop! It's happening not fight, that's what they wat us to do.."

Prince: "What are you talking about?"

Khalil: "This has happened before to me...and this is only the beginning."
Khalil looks over at Joy as she smiles back awkwardly.

Khalil: "I'm guessing she's our helper."

Michael: "Khalil wh- can you fill us in? Joy explained the rules already if the first voting already happened the rest I can explain myself."

Back outside

Comatose and Jelly are kicked out of the box they are contained in.

Pirate: "Alright. One of you will die today."

Comatose: "Die?!"

Pirate: "Here."

The Pirate gives them both artifacts.

Pirate: "All you have to do is take once back to the lounge."

Jelly: "That's all?"

Comatose: "Wait. Where's the lounge?! I- I've never been!"

Pirate: "Then you'd best keep yer eyes peeled. GO!"
The Pirate fired a warning shot and both took off running straight. Though with that...something exploded underneath Jelly

Jelly: "AH! A LANDMIME?!"

Comatose: "The place is booby trapped?!"
Underneath Comatose, gaping holes in the ground began to form and Comatose leaped for it as he saw lights and the rest of the group ahead. As he got up a rope latched onto him and he falls to the ground dropping his artifact. Jelly runs pass him and he's struggling to untie the knot in the rope.

Comatose: "JELLY! WAIT!"

Comatose finally untied it and he grabbed his artifact he tried to run as fast as he could drenching in sweat due to the long run...

but Jelly made it towards the door.

Comatose slowed down slightly ready to accept his fate.

jelly made it towards the door and a hole opened underneath her. She fell straight down towards the center of the earth. Comatose ran towards the hole and watched jelly plummet into darkness...

Comatose: "J-JELLY!!!!"
He called out but all that followed, was a reallyyy faint scream and burning sounds...

Comatose jumped over the hole and into the lounge.

Michael: "Comatose?"

Prince gasped and ran over to Comatose

Prince: "Quick put that thing into this!"

Comatose placed the artifact into the bucket and all the pirates and the boat outside vanished.

Joy: "First artifact is cleansed!"

Prince: "Comatose! I was worried you.."
Prince began to break down in tears and they hugged Comatose.

Riley: "Where's Jelly?"

Comatose: "She uh...fell...into the depths of the earth.."

William: "Huh?"

Michael: "What?!"

Khalil: "There goes one..."

Comatose: "Guys, what is this?! What's going on?!"

Ricardo: "Yeah, KHALIL. Tell us."

Khalil: "Well you see-"
Suddenly Khalil was cut off by a loud boom outside and then-

CLIFFHANGER! Wow, good times. I'm back everyone with book 3 of House Escape! I really hope you enjoy this read. It took me ages. Chapter 2 coming soon! Please be sure to vote and follow me for more stories and updates! Bye!

Jelly- Dead

Dead: 1
Survivors: 9

Word Count: 2533

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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