Chapter one; Keep your guard Up.

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I couldn't move. My body felt as though it were stuck in a trance. It was currently what I assume is twelve in the morning. I woke up but realized my body made no intent to get up and move. If I were to guess, I'd say I were experiencing sleep paralysis, And you better believe it was horrifying. The feeling of not being able to do neither fight or flight is unsettling to one's mindset.
I looked around my room. Many people describe sleep paralysis as being stuck in the mud, no matter what you do you're staying there until whatever part of your body is keeping you that way finally wakes up. At this point, I was wondering what I could really even do in this type of situation.
Before I knew it, I saw it.
A Dark figure staring at me with cold, blank, dead eyes. It almost at looked..Sad. It reminded me a bit too much of myself- somehow. I just couldn't describe it.
It's Cold, elongated, sharp and boney hands reached out to Me, as though It craved my attention, It craved the fear I felt.
As though it craved my Life's essence.
The room was so silent, I felt as though were I to move, it would erupt in many, many loud noises. Eventually, out of the blue, it spoke to me.
"You may believe...Danger is far." I couldn't do anything more than stare and watch as it spoke, it's jaw seeming like it was at the point of breaking.
"But I Can assure you." It began to claw at its own Face. I wonder of it was in pain, Though it was nothing more than an illusion, I still had a bit of empathy left in me.
This..Thing..It groaned and hissed in response to how it's flesh and blood dripped onto the floor. It took most of my will to not want to vomit at the sight.
Not like I'd be able to do that anyways.
"Danger and Death Go hand in hand, Prancing alongside the world in wonderful, beautiful bliss."
I only stared, it wasn't like I could scream or cry. Before I knew it, my mind felt dizzy, to which I succumbed to slumber, hoping- No- Craving- the daylight.
To which was eventually given to Me.
Oh how thankful I was when i woke up and was able to move around.
This..wasn't exactly new to me in any way or form as I have experienced this before, every experience far worse than the last. Each time this occurred i did my best to recall what my psychologist told me.
"if you are ever experiencing a panic attack or have become anxious in general, remind yourself who you are. Your name is Isabella Everfall. It is currently 3:00 In the afternoon. You are currently in Oklahoma. You have one brother and a loving mother and father. You are well."
I Breathed slowly, remembering the excercise.
"My name is Isabella Everfall. I live in Oklahoma, The Time is.. 7:00 In the morning. I have one brother, a loving mother and father. Everything is okay. I am well. They are well. Everything is good."

I heard my mother's voice echoing from downstairs to upstairs. "Isabella! Can you please get your things ready and come downstairs? You're gonna be late if you don't hurry!" To which of course, I responded. "Coming mom! Just getting my things!"
I grabbed my black pull over and hung it around my waist. Putting on a black shirt along with, some shorts. Our school's dress code was never really serious, so they would allow us to wear basically anything.
Which would definitely explain the people who took things to the next level.
I grabbed my bags, along with my notebook and headed downstairs to have some breakfast.
"Isabella. The ears and tail,They need to be covered. Especially your- so called hind legs-, We do not want a repeat of last time."
I groaned.
"You know the rules and so do I, Isabella Everfall."
I smiled as I remembered the lyrics to 'Never gonna give you up' by Rick astley, my mom knew exactly where I was going.
"Isabella please don't-"
I grinned as I approached her with an obvious smug face.

"Never gonna give you up, Never gonna let you Dow-"


"Fine! Fine! I'll hide them."

"Never gonna run around and desert y-"

"Isabella! Hoodie. Now."

"Alright alright I'll get to it! Just calm down!"




I laughed it off, I always liked joking around like that with my mom, she knows I'd take care of myself and my little brother, regardless of where we were or what the situation was.
She knew we'd be fine.
I grinned in satisfaction as I was putting on my pull over and using it to cover my head and curling up what- I assume- was a didn't really- go with what "Animal" I was. It was more of a lizards tail. Almost like there was an error or something- But- there are no errors in being born like.."This" it basically just- popped outta nowhere- I guess.
Regardless, I did my best to hide it!
My mom always told me if we ever felt in danger we obviously have two options, which were-
Just- adrenaline, basically. I always carried something that could be used as a weapon on me, such as a fork- or a safety pin- i always wondered why they were called safety pins if they can hurt someone-

ut enough about that.
It's time for me to go to school!
My lovely, LOVELY oh so KIND school.
Yeah, I hate that place because believe me when I say it's a shit show there. We got the jocks, they're chill but usually too loud, the geeks, also know as the nerds, the quote en quote "heathers" also known as the popular mean girls. I call em sluts due to obvious reasons. And last but not least, we got the outcasts and the under dogs. They're like- the lowest of lows. Under dogs are people who stand up for themselves, like myself, while the outcasts are people who anyone hardly pays any attention to.
They're basically like the losers of the school.
I, gladly, fall under both categories. Woohoo. Lucky me. While I'm hardly messed with because i don't like to start problems, there's times where I'm picked on because I'm..silent.
Y'know those quiet kid memes and jokes people make? Yeah? Well they like to make jokes like those. It really ain't fun to be the quiet kid.
I wonder what tommorrow may bring.
After getting my things ready I made my way to the bus where I met my so called fellow friend, Blake, waiting for me. Don't get me wrong, Blake's a- chill guy just- he's- well he's weird. He acts a bit weird atleast. I once saw him throw a fucking rock at the window- for what reason? Hell if I know. All I truly know is that someone who happened to be nearby got their ass suspended.
Eh I'm sure he didn't mean to do it- who knows? Maybe that kid was actually a dick to people and we just saved them from getting bullied!
After staring off into the Sky for a bit we arrived at the school and snuck our way inside, almost running into the heathers.
We hid near a wall as they walked past and started talking to each other, gossiping about god knows what.
"Go distract the heathers- I did it last time now it's your turn to get insulted-"
Blake stared at me in frustration.
"What?! But we're LITERALLY in the same hole! I'm half animal! I can't do this-"
I stared back at him in confusion.
He groaned as he zipped up his jacket.
I Hissed back at him while pointing at the heathers.
"Yeah, Yeah, whatever, just go distract them and let me get to class."
He shook his head at me as he walked over to them
They stared at him in what I think was either disgusts or confusion. Regardless, I took the chance to run into my class. There's NO way I'm gonna deal with them annoying me when I make my way to class. Not again.

(Skippity slap I'll do/edit part two later)

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