Phi and Hyde headcons

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First things first, they both were my favourite characters from the start. Although they both got annoying in the middle, they both still had good character development.

Phi and Hyde's Father name is Gerard. Gerard played favourites between Phi and Hyde with obviously Phi being his favourite. Due to this Phi is a perfectionist. Whenever he did something outstanding, he used to get coaxed by his father which only made him to be absolutely sure to do things perfectly.

Due to this Phi kind of became arrogant and considered himself superior than others ( especially Hyde ). This sometimes leads him to underestimate others. He is a loner because he thinks nobody is good enough for him. He keeps quite all the time which might give others a false assumption of him being shy. Phi is more of an observer than a speaker. He thinks if he doesn't interact much, others would not know his weakness.

Hyde always resented Phi. He always thought him to be perfect in everything. Hyde tried his best trying to keep up to his twin brother but somehow, it was always Phi who used to get praised. No matter how much hard Hyde tried he simply wasn't good enough like Phi. So, one day Hyde decided to give up. He thought that if he cannot be like Phi, he will become exactly opposite of him.

Hyde was nothing like Phi. He didn't liked to be quite all the time. He wasn't the older and perfect twin. So he decided to use another way to seek attention. He decided to be extravagant. He found out that if he is extravagant, bold and confident, people finally listen to him and pay attention to him.

Both Phi and Hyde are almost polar opposite. Phi enjoys classical music and operas, whereas Hyde likes rock music. Phi is good in playing instruments but he plays the piano best. Hyde is rather into rapping. He is a good singer but he does rap the best. He can also play an electric guitar. Phi is more of an organised person while Hyde simply don't give a DAMN.

There are still a few things that they both have in common. Like both of them are extremely picky eaters. Both of them have entomophobia ( fear of insects ). This is because when they were little they both went camping with Gerard and while playing soccer, they both somehow fell in a pit full of insects. Even though Gerard got them out quickly, the experience was horrifying for both of them.

No matter how he looks, Phi is not a morning person. He is extremely grouchy in the morning. If you love your life then do not interact with Phi at all and stay far far away. Hyde learned it the hard way. On the other hand, Hyde is a morning person. He usually wakes up early if he gets enough sleep in the night. This saves him from Phi's wrath in the morning. However, if he slept late at night then he'll sleep in. Hyde is a heavy sleeper whereas Phi is a light sleeper.

Hyde has more muscle strength than Phi. If they would have a fight of sheer power, than Hyde will most likely win. Phi is however cunning and swift. It allows him to make strategies and he can easily win with his brain power. If they both decided to put their differences aside and work together, then I only have one thing to say......RUN!!!!!!

That's it for now I guess.
Peace ✌️

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