The Night A Star Falls

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Antonio POV


I looked over my shoulder and saw my son standing in the doorway, clutching his stuffed Teddy Bear. He looked just like his mother, with his bright eyes and innocent expression. He rubbed his tired eyes, yawning.

I smiled and lifted him into my arms, resting him on my hip. He nestled his head against my shoulder, seeking comfort.

Glancing at the clock, I noticed it was five to nine. "What are you doing up so late?" I whispered.

"I can't sleep," he mumbled, his voice full of that small whine that comes with being upset. "Mommy's been gone for two days. When is she coming home?"

"She's just visiting a friend," I reassured him. "How about I tell you the story of the night a star fell?" I added with a cheerful smile.

He pulled back slightly and folded his arms, a small pout forming on his lips. "Is it going to be about kissing?" he asked with a dramatic fake gag.

I chuckled, shaking my head. "No, it's about how the world changed when a cruel man found a star."

My son frowned, raising his chin defiantly. "You can't find a star. They're up in the sky."

"Do you want to hear the story or not?" I teased, narrowing my eyes playfully.

"Fine," he relented, sliding out of my arms. I followed him back to his room, tucked him into bed, and settled beside him.

"Once upon a time," I began, "not so long ago, there lived a greedy man..."


This man, Antonio Reed, was feared by many. He was cold, ruthless, and cared only about power. He was one of the richest men on Earth, with everything wealth could buy. But Antonio wasn't satisfied. He craved something beyond this world.

One day, he called in a team of top scientists with a single demand: "Bring me a star."

"Sir, it's impossible," one of the scientists stammered, his hands trembling. "The stars are trillions of miles away."

Antonio's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Then find someone who can make it possible!" he hissed, his voice sharp as steel.

"Y-Yes, sir!" The scientist nearly tripped over himself as he rushed out of the room, eager to escape Antonio's wrath.

Antonio rubbed his temples, frustration gnawing at him. He needed that energy, that power from the stars. Glancing at his watch, he saw that it was almost nine in the evening. He had a speech to give at the science museum downtown in just a few minutes.

He grabbed his suit jacket and strode out of his office. The moment his door clicked shut, the halls went eerily silent. Everyone in the office worked with renewed intensity, the fear of their boss's presence driving them to move faster, think quicker, and avoid any mistakes.

Antonio's reputation was well-earned. Rumor had it that he once fired someone on the spot for taking a five-minute break, even though breaks were legally required. But no one dared to challenge him because the pay was simply too good to risk losing.

Antonio, in his own way, relished the energy his presence created—the buzz of people working at maximum capacity, bending over backward to meet his impossible demands. It brought him a kind of satisfaction.

But no matter how much power he had, Antonio wanted more. He wasn't interested in Earthly things anymore. He was after something no one else could possess: the energy of a star.


I paused, watching my son's wide eyes as he lay in bed, completely absorbed in the story.

"So, what happened next?" he asked, barely able to contain his curiosity.

I smiled. "Well, the star came closer than anyone ever expected... but that's a story for another night."

He groaned, protesting as I stood up. "Nooo, you can't stop there!"

"Tomorrow, buddy," I chuckled, kissing him on the forehead. "Now, get some sleep."

With a reluctant nod, he snuggled deeper into his blankets, and I quietly left the room, smiling at how his imagination had been captured by the story.


Author: Will continue at the request of a fellow reader !!❤️🥹👌Just simply type "MORE"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12 ⏰

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