Swift's Backstory

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'Sup! It's ya boy Swift here. So lemme tell you somethin'...

So you may wonder this: "Where in Big Swirl are my parents?", well... that's what you're going to find out.
I was born in August 9, 2002, in Hometown, Avesnuttai. I lived with my parents and sister. My mother, Lily, worked for the military. My father James in the other wing, was an explorer. My sister Daisy was born on June 8, 2005 in case you were wondering...

Anyways, soon after Daisy was born, my mom left us for a war in Austinstrong. It felt like she left the nest for good because ever since that day, she never came back.

When I was six, my dad left for a sailing journey down in the south. That meant, me and Daisy had to go live with our uncle, Derek. Derek lived in another town called Jaytown by the way.

Two years later, soldiers from Massavanio started invading Avesnuttai. They came banging at the door. Uncle Derek told me and Daisy to escape from the backyard and go to our grandfather Cjay's place. As we did, Derek was arrested.

Before we went, I called Cjay to pick us up at the airport. I actually thought of flying there with Daisy, but there were soldiers in the air so no..

Me and Daisy took a bus, it was incredibly crowded.. And it just got more crowded every stop..! We ended up getting off at 17.5 miles away. We walked, took some wrong turns, took a couple of bathroom stops.

When we were just about the airport, two Massan soldiers saw us. Daisy and I ran as fast as we could, they chased after us. Luckily, I was able to fly away before they caught me. As for Daisy... she couldn't fly very fast so... the soldiers took her..

I remember seeing them tie her up, and pushing her in their car. She was screaming at me, "Go without me! Hurry Swift!", and I wasn't very brave at that time so I j-just left her... I regretted it so much! I was literally crying all the way to the airport..

I met Grandpa Cjay at the airport. I've actually never met him in person before. I've only talked to him through video chats. Anyways, we quickly got on his plane and flew off. I told him all about Daisy and Uncle Derek. He told me they will be fine and once the war was over, we will all be reunited.

We landed on Emilysville, which is not far from Big Swirl Island (in my opinion.) The war ended when I was ten, Austinstrong won. I got news that my mom is alive. I was so relieved. I haven't heard anything about Daisy yet. I was extremely angry at myself for leaving her. My biggest mistake in my life..

When I was eleven, I decided I wanted to be a pilot like Cjay. He told me; "You'll need to master bravery and leadership first", which I wasn't very good at...

Overtime, I realized, I couldn't give up. I just needed to believe in myself! I grew to be confident and a leader, and when times I wasn't so brave; I just remembered to never back down.

See I wasn't a chicken, I am a roos- wait.. actually, I'm not a rooster... I'm a proud blue jay! Yay!

Anyways, when I was twelve, Top Wing academy was accepting new students. Grandpa Cjay signed me up. I was so excited!

Now, I am as happy as ever to be here with all of you. You're all like family to me! I love you guys!

A/N: I got this idea from a guy who likes World War 2. And thought "Hey! Why not put an Anne Frank reference in this?" Because I love The Diary of Anne Frank.

A/N 2: Also the reason why Swift was sad during Penny's story was because her story was about guilt and regret which made Swift remember his mistake from the past.

A/N 3: This was just for fun by the way! I'm also going to be doing Speedy and Bea's.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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