Hi and thanks for coming back. I hope last week you guys took the time you could to cast your anxieties on God and remember that just because the week is over doesn't call for stopping, keep doing it when you have anxiety and be kind. This week we'll be focusing on being the light for all people to see. There's something important about letting others see Gods qualities through you. Not only does it shows God but it helps you with life's challenges and makes you a better person overall. In Matthew 5:16 it reads "Be The Light For All To See". When you show love, compassion, peace and so many other qualities that God wants us to be, people see you better and possibly would want to have those qualities. It's a perfect example for teaching younger children and others no matter who they are or what they're going through. I think this will be a perfect challenge for us to do and overall will develop us. So these are some of the many beautiful qualities God has thanks to debbiemcdaniel.com
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So with everything you do, try and develop these qualities. May God Bless You and have a wonderful week. Don't give up!
Im back with an update. If you are looking for an online Bible or Offline in some areas, you can download the Bible app on the AppStore or Playstore and I believe amazon has it as well. Here's a Prayer in which you can Pray to help you with this week!
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Here's another update, Jesus came and served us so that should be a way that we could be the light! By serving! Here's a lesson and Prayer from the Bible app and continue to do what you're doing! See you Monday!
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