𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎

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As Renjun irritatedly slammed his books into his locker for lunch, and threw the door closed after him, his heart felt quite sore. It had been about a month or so of suffering through Jaemin's weird 'silent treatment' wherein he'd still talk to the older, just not as much. Hell, even three days ago when he'd gotten hit in the face and consequently broken his nose (not visibly), Jaemin had run off for a test.

Renjun didn't buy it.

There had to have been something up. His best friend had never given two shits about class before, so why now? It didn't make any sense.

As he tiredly dragged himself down the hall towards the canteen, a certain classroom caught his eye. The brunette quickly leapt to the side to avoid being seen, peering in and finding none other than gorgeous Lee Jeno peacefully sleeping with his cheek against his hands, which were rested on the desk.

He was so cute, yet handsome and masculine as well. Other than his closed-off nature, there was no real reason to dislike him.

Renjun watched him quietly, lower lip caught between his teeth. He hadn't actually spoken, or even crossed paths with the boy since the infirmary. He wanted to, obviously....but it was so much more difficult when Jaemin wasn't there to break the ice. As much as he hated to admit it, he could barely stutter out his name to Jeno without his childhood friend there to rub his back supportively.

The male's heart twisted painfully at his own shyness. He wasn't usually like this, and the only other person he had liked never made him act this way. Crushing on Jaemin had been somewhat easy. He acted like normal and the other never copped on. Though, Jeno was a stranger in many ways....harder to approach.

"Ooooh, what's Little Junnie doing out here? Huh?" A snide and playful voice chirped from behind him, scaring Renjun half to death when two hands grabbed his shoulders teasingly.

He spun around, batting the other away and releasing a sharp breath. "For god's sake, Donghyuck. Have you ever heard of 'growing up'? Or did you skip that class?"

"When I see a guy spying on someone, I get curious," the younger confessed, faking a concerned expression and snickering as he too subtly glanced into the mostly empty classroom. There, he managed to find his love, as sleepy as usual.

"Wait...." Donghyuck frowned, "You weren't watching Weird Jeno, were you?"

Renjun huffed, folding his arms and tilting his head. "What's it to you, hm? None of your business."

"Well, it is if it's Jeno," his lips slowly twisted into a gnarled smile that anyone would've taken as 'threatening'. "He's not available."

"What?!" The older hissed, kicking his ankle for what he assumed was childish pranking. "Shut up, would you?"

"I'm being serious," Donghyuck sighed, his eyes momentarily trailing back to Jeno before landing on the shorter again. "I literally sleep with him. He's not the type to date people, so you're shit out of luck."

The older's insides crumbled, his lip trembling the more he listened. He wanted to believe this was all crap, but it wasn't as though he'd have known any better. He didn't stalk Jeno, so he knew next to nothing about him. "T-Tell me you're lying. Jeno....Jeno doesn't feel like someone who'd-"

"Sleep with a guy? Yeah, I was surprised he agreed to it too. Must just like me," the younger winked annoyingly, knowing well that he was riling the poor Chinese boy up. The look of broken hope and shattered feelings was too evident by the dazed expression Renjun wore. "Maybe there'll be more to it than sex someday."

No, no, no! Renjun thought, taking a small step backwards and trying to swallow the horrible dry and painfully constricted feeling in his throat. He's lying, isn't he? Jeno isn't like that. He isn't!

Yet the more he tried to make heads and tails of the situation, the harder it was to understand. His precious Jeno was sleeping with his enemy, not the innocent virgin everyone had always thought he was.

This can't be right.....

"Want me to prove it? He'll get all embarrassed, but that's cute too," Donghyuck chuckled, about to call out to the sleeping student before Renjun choked out a tiny 'don't'.

The younger took a look at the damage he had done, satisfied that he had scared off one problem. If Donghyuck couldn't have Jeno's heart, then no one could. That's how he felt.

"Excuse me...." the shorter started to sob, pushing past him and quickly rushing to the bathrooms to cry and throw up. His stomach churned endlessly, and his eyes felt sore from the tears he was trying to blink back.

As Donghyuck leaned against the doorframe, arms folded and face emotionless, he felt extremely victorious. He then took one more look at Jeno who was starting to wake up, rubbing his eyes and eyeing the classroom around him.

Cute, Hyuck thought, pushing off the frame and walking away.

Some people were bad on the outside. Some on the inside with sugar coating. And others, just rotten to the core.

It was hard to decipher who was what, but it was clear that these traits were discovered in teenagers before adults. After all....

Surviving school was harder than surviving the wilderness. The rules were completely blurred...

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𝗮 𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂; norenmin Where stories live. Discover now