Silver Love

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It was last summer Amber started training silver. "This is such an amazing pony", she always said. Amber never bought Silver, but wanted to.

One night Amber was talking with Sue, the barn owner. Next thing Amber was doing was balling her eyes out. Silver was being sold, Amber though,"never seeing that flea bitten pony mare", it would break her heart, she couldn't stop crying.

The next day, Amber thought it was her last with Silver. A man showed up with a trailer while Amber was grooming silver. The man asked Amber if this pony was Silver, she said yes. The man ripped the cross ties off and took Silver. "What are you doing? Get away from her! LEAVE HER ALONE! The man was trying to load Silver, Silver wanted to stay with Amber, she wouldn't go, he picked up a twig and started smacking her. After 2 or 3 times she trotted up the ramp and he slammed the door.

That's when Sue came out and stood back while the trailer left slowly from the drive way as Amber chased the trailer and Silver, as she was throwing a fit. Amber caught up and got the chance to touch the trailer she thought "reach for her, you will not regret it". She jumped as the trailer was picking up a small amount of speed.

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