define e = Character('Eirik',)
define c = Character('Chitto',)
define a = Character('Akkane',)
define r = Character('Riku',)
define u = Character('???',)
define pov = Character('[Player_name',)
define narrator = Character(None,,, ctc_position="fixed", what_slow_speed=30)
label start:
playername = renpy.input("What's your name?")
playername = playername.strip()if not playername:
playername = "Asriel"#teehee undertale
"Graphic and strong theme warning"
scene bg room
with fade"School 2 week"
"neighbor school tommorow"
scene bg schoolgateday
with fadeu "hey [player_name]
u "come to me"
"you are a dumbass and u follow the weird voice"
$ metcheeto = TrueJump meetingcheeto
$ dont = True "you walk away from the voice"Jump meetingeirik
label meetingcheeto
scene bg schoolfeildday
with fade"you walk to weird voice"
u "wow [Player_name]. you actually came]
"he laugh and make fun of u cuz u dumb"
pov "who is u?"
u "oh yea i forgots to tellz u my name"
c "name chitto, but u can call me a peice of shit"
pov "cheeto? kk boomer"
c "yep, i just wanted to say that ive been wanting to talk to you for a long time, but you always go home early"
pov "is that how u knew my name fking stalker?
c ":3"
yell "RIIIING"
c "hehe bell go brr"
"skip class":
"wtf u sure? whatever, you walk to the stairs in the hallway"
$ meeteirik = TrueJump Meetingeirik
$ dont = True "goodey two shoes havin ass ok."jump Class
label meeting eirik
scene bg schoolstairsday
with fadepu yell "BOO!!!"
"you let out a small gasp and turn around asap, just to see your friend"
e "excuse me why arnt u going to class? im ganna need to see an id"
pov "oh hey Eirik, im a BAD BOI"
"you frown"
Diesuki WIP VN
HumorSPOILERS (Not all game mechanics are put in here so you cannot steal the full game, only bits and peices are put in here for my memory also the fact that not alot of people will see this.