Day one

11 0 0

define e = Character('Eirik',)

define c = Character('Chitto',)

define a = Character('Akkane',)

define r = Character('Riku',)

define u = Character('???',)

define pov = Character('[Player_name',)

define narrator = Character(None,,, ctc_position="fixed", what_slow_speed=30)

label start:


playername = renpy.input("What's your name?")
playername = playername.strip()

if not playername:
playername = "Asriel"

#teehee undertale

"Graphic and strong theme warning"

scene bg room
with fade

"School 2 week"

"neighbor school tommorow"


scene bg schoolgateday
with fade

u "hey [player_name]

u "come to me"


"you are a dumbass and u follow the weird voice"
$ metcheeto = True

Jump meetingcheeto

$ dont = True "you walk away from the voice"

Jump meetingeirik

label meetingcheeto

scene bg schoolfeildday
with fade

"you walk to weird voice"

u "wow [Player_name]. you actually came]

"he laugh and make fun of u cuz u dumb"

pov "who is u?"

u "oh yea i forgots to tellz u my name"

c "name chitto, but u can call me a peice of shit"

pov "cheeto? kk boomer"

c "yep, i just wanted to say that ive been wanting to talk to you for a long time, but you always go home early"

pov "is that how u knew my name fking stalker?

c ":3"

yell "RIIIING"

c "hehe bell go brr"


"skip class":
"wtf u sure? whatever, you walk to the stairs in the hallway"
$ meeteirik = True

Jump Meetingeirik

$ dont = True "goodey two shoes havin ass ok."

jump Class

label meeting eirik

scene bg schoolstairsday
with fadep

u yell "BOO!!!"

"you let out a small gasp and turn around asap, just to see your friend"

e "excuse me why arnt u going to class? im ganna need to see an id"

pov "oh hey Eirik, im a BAD BOI"


"you frown"

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